Evolution and Creationism Ryan Burns English 250 Section RM
The issue Two conflicting world views Faith versus science Which should be taught in school? Where should each be taught?
Evolution argument Establishment clause of the US Constitution Basis of creationism is faith, not science
Creationism argument Free exercise clause of the US Constitution Differences in opinion on the origins of life
Errors with the arguments Both sides only have partially valid points Science doesn’t care about opinions Teaching religion in schools doesn’t always violate the Establishment clause The free exercise clause has limits
Solution Separate subjects, separate classes Keep biology intact Create religious studies classes in public schools
Works Cited Loyd, Tina. Personal interview. 07 Apr Morris, Henry. "Introducing Creationism into Public Schools." Institute of Creation Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Apr Nugent, Michael. "The Case for a Secular Education System." Michael Nugent RSS. N.p., 11 Mar Web. 09 Apr US Const. Amend 1. Print. The Institute for Creation Research. ICR, n.d. Web. 17 Apr Weinberg, Stanley L. "Reactions to Creationism in Iowa." Creationism and Evolution Journal 2 (1980): n. pag. National Center for Science Education. Web. 09 Apr