WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH CREATIONISM? Presented by: Christa, Amanda, Jane, and Nancy
1. Title: What’s the mater with Creationism? Author: Katha Pollitt
2. Key terms: Theistic evolution Creationism
DEFINITIONS : Theistic evolution: is a concept that asserts that classical religious teachings about God are compatible with the modern scientific understanding about biological evolution Creationism: The belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution
3. AUTHOR’S THESIS STATEMENT: -what is creationism and how it is developed? And people’s attitudes toward creationism. -proportion of college graduates who are creationists is exactly the same as for the general public
4.The author uses: qualitative- using numbers and percent’s Faith the view of college graduates
These percent’s are from the author’s own poll that she conducted…. 32 % say they believed in the theistic evolution 15% say that god had no part in the evolution of humans 46% believe that the story of Adam and Eve is true
6. The authors husband who is a sociologist and political theorist says that questions like this elicit affirmations of identity, meaning that declaring you belief in creationism is another way of saying you are a good Christian.
Kenneth Miller, a biology teacher at Brown University, says that science education has been remarkably ineffective and says that those of us in the scientific community who are religious have a tremendous amount of work to do in the faith community. Some feel like they can set aside their jobs and focus just on faith and believing.
7. Do you believe the bible is true?
REASONS: YES There are parts that are true Because that is how we were raised A lot of our knowledge comes from the bible. Nothing else holds that information about god. Because we believe in god
MAYBE: Maybe because has religious truth but it is scientifically false. It is a story, cannot be proven, but our beliefs help us to choose what is right and wrong Not everything can be taken literally and certain things were written to appease certain crowds They are stories to teach a lesson. Do not believe the old testament is true, but believes that the new testament is Not literally true, but want the message to come out from underneath the stories
NO: No solid evidence The myths are not true. Bible figures were used to explain the morals and values