BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Coastal Bend Blood Center
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Basic Training Overview of the Blood Center’s development of a volunteer training program
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Who we are The Coastal Bend Blood Center –Established in 1969 –Collects approximately 31,000 units a year –Supplies 13 medical facilities in ten counties –Has a service area of over 500,000 residents –Organizes over 1,700 blood drives a year –Employs three full-time recruiters
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Our dilemma Need to maximize resources of blood drive coordinators Need to build upon community and supporter awareness of the Blood Center
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP The answer Create a workshop / training to meet both needs at once Must educate and entertain to gain lasting results BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP
Goals for the Boot Camp Make coordinators aware of their account history and productivity Educate regarding blood donation in general, as well as our blood center operations Provide a first hand look at our blood center Give tips and tools to help build current blood programs Answer frequently asked questions Address common barriers to a successful blood drive
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP GOING INTO BATTLE Tactics, tools and advice for implementing a successful program
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Structuring your training Use the goals as your guide Create a timeline that makes sense Be conscious of time
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Content is key Make it a group effort Consider needs of all involved Get the most out of your time
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Build your case Don’t get ahead of yourself Ease attendees into training Make sure they are engaged along the way
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Implementing a theme Take your theme to the extreme “Go Big or Go Home” Look for every opportunity to bring your theme to life –Invitations, program, decorations, presentation, etc. Provide attendees with something outside of the norm
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP RALLYING THE TROOPS How to recreate, adapt and grow your own volunteer training program
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Meeting our goals Workshop surveys immediately following program Training well received by all Saw changes in donor clubs where coordinators had attended
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Didn’t stop at Boot Camp Vampire University Who Wants to be a Lifesaver? Lunch & Learns High School Heroes Workshop
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Opened many doors Created new partnerships Began to have people seek us out Started to build the community recognition we desired
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Lessons learned Trial and error –Mailed invitations vs. Evites –Morning vs. afternoon trainings –Blood Center vs. on location
BLOOD DRIVE BOOT CAMP Questions Breanna Rye Marketing / Donor Development Coastal Bend Blood Center