Controlled Vocabulary VTC June 1, 2011
Agenda Review some past activities Plan some future activities
Activities since start of SC workshop server now allows Metacat searches – AND implementation searches using either keyword set Suggested revisions to list organization (Don, Julia) – Many have been made
Discussion of how Core areas should be incorporated – Margaret has an detailing how core areas should be used – but outside the controlled vocabulary – Separate vocabulary/taxonomy for research themes – may also be used for other things (pubs) With Core Area as high level entity In a separate keyword thesaurus – Sites? Site is supposed to be listed as organization in the EML, according to “best practices”…. – But many sites don’t comply Also from package ID Lots of ways to do this….. Organization vocabulary or hierarchy
Core Research Area Taxonomy LTER Core Research Areas – Primary Production – Populations – Disturbance – Inorganic Nutrients – Organic Matter Keywords from this taxonomy would go into a SEPARATE with a different keywordThesaurus from the science keywords – See: core_area_keywords
Plans for modification of vocabulary Draft plan for adding terms – Proposal on why and where it should go in taxonomys – Must be linked to one or more datasets – Add details to best practice document Site specific words – Can have their own site-specific vocabulary that can be searched alternate – Also can suggest non-preferred words Review Practices for keyword proposals – Could be reviewed by a few people who make recommendation
Draft “Best Practices for Keywording” document Demos to LNO staff (Waide, Brunt, Servilla) – We can have Duane for a week!!!!!!!! – change to Metacat and HIVE software
Upcoming Finalizing the list Planned “Virtual Water Cooler” session in July – What should we have available at that time? Keyword searching demo Keywording tool(s)??? Present best practices Need more than a month on proposed additions
Next Steps Excerpt Margaret’s notes regarding core areas – Margaret adding to Controlled vocab page – John will add draft best practices and put draft document on google docs – Need to get documents/vocab out to sites for their review – to VOCAB first for day or so – They may wish to add some additional words – SEND Best Practices – including how to propose new keywords Vocabulary Report to EB - Production workshops – Margaret will put what she has on Google Docs – Goes to EB? or James Brunt? Work with Duane – Need revised search use cases – especially regarding site- specific vocabularies