MY DREAM TOY ON HOLIDAY! This toy is graded on: Originality (Mustn’t be sold in the market) Safety (Safety comes first. It mustn’t contain any harmful substances!) Fun and Entertaining Creativity Mobility (It must be convenient) Must have at least ONE scientific principle (e.g. Light or heat energy. Interactions) Must come up with a 50-word description
A toy can be: played by one person or a group. fun or education. part of a series of toys. powered by batteries or any other energy source.
A toy based on a scientific principle will most likely use… A spring, a pulley, an inclined plane, a sphere (ball), a wheel & axle, a chemical reaction, or a magnet to do some work to make the toy fun.
What kind of play you get out of the toy will decide its design. Do you want to throw it? Do you want to play with it on a table? Do you need to hang it up? Does it fly? Does it bump around? Does it operate in water?
A toy Must be durable so that it does not fall apart easily Can be made from any material, even recycled ones Can be easily mass produced (many copies made easily) Can come assembled or in parts to be assembled (Transformer)
Putting it Together Some ways to hold things together: Screws, nails, bolts &nuts, binding wires, paper rivets, staples, double sided tape, Velcro, magnets, snap buttons, snap fit, crimping, etc How to make things move: A small electric motor (or a wind-up one), a vibrator from an old hand phone, cams & linkages, off-centre rods etc
To add points: Your toy is a VACATION TOY. Your toy can make SOUND. Your toy can produce LIGHT. Your toy has an ACTION.
You can ask your Science teacher or your class representative if you have any clarification to be done. THANK YOU!