The period between 1912 and 1949 in China is known as the Republican era. TheNationalist Party (Guomindang) took over China in 1912 and remained in power until During this time, Shanghai became an increasingly important economic, political, and cultural center. Also during this period, the Chinese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai (1921) and played the roles of both enemy and ally to the Nationalists over the course of Republican history.
In 1925, Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) seized control of the Nationalist party and unified China. His leadership had two major implications for the city of Shanghai. In the 1920s, he purged the city's Communists, driving them underground and eventually out of the city. And in 1934, along with his wife, Song Meiling, he launched the New Life Movement across China. (1934 was also the year that the Chinese Communist party embarked on the 6,000-mile Long March from Hunan to northwest China.) The New Life Movement combined Confucian and Christian morals to advocate a modern healthy lifestyle and social order. For women in Shanghai and elsewhere, this meant that they were expected to fulfill their social responsibility by becoming good housewives and mothers.
Foot Binding Foot binding began late in the T'ang Dynasty ( ) and it gradually spread through the upper class during the Song Dynasty ( ). During the Ming period ( ) and the Ching Dynasty ( ) the custom of foot binding spread through the overwhelming majority of the Chinese population until it was finally outlawed in the 1911 Revolution of Sun Yat-Sen. In fact, the only peoples to avoid this custom were the Manchu conquerors, The Hakka Chinese migrant groups in south China and the mean people, the lowest class of people in China who were below the social norms. The practice of foot binding lasted for approximately one thousand years. During this time, approximately one billion women had their feet bound.
"When I was seven my mother….washed and placed alum on my feet and cut my toenails. She then bent my toes toward the plantar with a binding cloth ten feet long and two inches wide doing the right foot first and then the left. She...ordered me to walk but when I did the pain proved unbearable, that feet felt on fire and I couldn't sleep;mother struck me for crying. On the following days I tried to hide but was forced to walk on my feet...after several months all toes but the big one were pressed against the inner surface..,mother would remove the bindings and wipe the blood and puss which dripped from my feet. She told me that only with removal of the flesh could my feet become slender...every two weeks I changed to new shoes. Each new pair was one to two tenths of an inch smaller than the previous one....In summer my feet smelled offensively because of puss and blood;in winter my feet felt cold because of lack of circulation...four of the toes were curled in like so many dead took two years to achieve the three inch shanks were thin, my feet became humped, ugly and odoriferous. "
Chinese Culture Major food staples: Rice, noodles, vegetables and lean meats Major food staples: Rice, noodles, vegetables and lean meats A traditional Chinese family generally consists of at least two generations of people including husband and wife and children and there universally exists the phenomenon of three generations, four generations and even five generations living under the same roof. A big family is often held in great esteem. A traditional Chinese family generally consists of at least two generations of people including husband and wife and children and there universally exists the phenomenon of three generations, four generations and even five generations living under the same roof. A big family is often held in great esteem.
Chinese Culture cont. Red, gold and green are associated with good luck. Red is the most auspicious color. It is well represented at weddings and holidays and fits nicely into Communist models. Red signifies luck, happiness, health and prosperity. Brides wear something red on their wedding day and red lanterns are hung on New Year's Day and weddings. Chinese have traditionally given out "lucky money" on special occasions in red envelopes. Walls are painted red for good luck but writing in red is bad luck. Red, gold and green are associated with good luck. Red is the most auspicious color. It is well represented at weddings and holidays and fits nicely into Communist models. Red signifies luck, happiness, health and prosperity. Brides wear something red on their wedding day and red lanterns are hung on New Year's Day and weddings. Chinese have traditionally given out "lucky money" on special occasions in red envelopes. Walls are painted red for good luck but writing in red is bad luck.
Text References 1. © Columbia University Libraries Ling long Women's Magazine 2. Chinese Foot Binding By: James A. Crites