Step 1 Take 11x17 construction paper and fold lengthwise (or hotdog style). Step 2 Fold paper widthwise (or hamburger style). Step 3 Fold paper widthwise again. Do not unfold. (If unfolded, your paper should create eight even rectangles). Step 4 Place two staples along the book “binding.” Place one staple at the top of the book and one at the bottom. See example to the right.
Step 5 Take scissors and cut apart any pages that are still connected. Do not cut along book binding. Step 6 Count your pages. You should have 16 pages front and back including your front and back covers.
Geographic Picture Dictionary Name: Period:
For each page of your dictionary you must include the following: term (in alphabetical order) definition a detailed colored picture of the geographic feature
basin bay delta glacier gulf island isthmus mountain peninsula plain plateau sea strait tributary volcano
Ocean - one of the four major bodies of salt water that surround the continents