Mrs. Stratton’s Third Grade Class Welcome, parents!
All About Me My background I grew up in South Point, OH I graduated from The University of Kentucky I have bachelor’s degree in Primary Ed. K-3 My experience I taught 1½ years at Skeen Elementary in Leesburg, FL I taught 13 years at Astatula Elementary in Astatula, FL This is my 17 th year teaching and I am happy to be at Sawgrass Bay Elementary!
My Family My husband Aaron My children Brock – 6 th grader Lyric – 4th grader Our pets No pets, no time!
My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills they need to be successful this year. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help your child develop a love of reading.
What is Positive Behavior Support ? (PBS) Proactive: Preventing inappropriate behaviors from happening by making our expectations clear Educative: Teaching students what is expected of them while on our campus; Teaching students the rules for all settings (cafeteria, hallway, bus, etc.) Reinforcement Based: Acknowledging students for showing school expectations and rules
HOW IS PBS USED AT SBE? School-wide expectations and rules Classroom discipline systems focused on positive behaviors School-wide reward system School-wide consistency for referral procedures
Bobcat Expectations
Common Area Rules
Student’s Data Book School wide initiative. Students track their individual achievements and progress. Based on data, students set future goals. Students will lead parent/ teacher conference by discussing their data book.
Behavior Colored Cards Daily behavior marked in agenda. Daily green behavior gets a hole punch in card. Cards that have all holes punched get treasure box or no homework pass.
Class Subjects The subjects we study during third grade are: Reading, Writing, Language Arts, Grammar and Handwriting Math Science Social studies
Curriculum Developmental Studies- Reading GO Math/Performance Tasks- Math Pearson-Science/Social studies Being a Writer - Writing Fluency – 1 minute timed reading should be done Monday- Thursday and recorded on the graph in the packet. This is such an important step to help your child become a great reader! I will check fluency graphs every Friday and students will get a treat for completion.
Reading Compare/contrast Author’s Purpose Plot Development Context Clues Figurative Language Cause & Effect Main Idea & details Narrative Elements Synonyms & Antonyms Theme Informational Text Prefixes and Suffixes Text Structure Analyze Words Locate Information
Math Number Sense Multiplication Division Geometry Statistics Algebraic Thinking Time Measurement
Writing Narrative Writing Expository Writing Descriptive writing Persuasive Writing How-To Writing Cursive Handwriting
Science The Universe Practice of Science Matter and its properties Forms of Energy Plants Classifying living things Living things and seasons Florida Wildlife Water Conservation
Social Studies Locating & Interpreting Geographic Information Freedom Week (Constitution) Exploration of Americas Economics Forming the Foundation of Government Basic Principles Held by American Citizens Contributions of Citizens who defended American Principles Holocaust
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Have self control Be kind to others Follow directions Do your best!
Homework I will assign about 30 minutes of homework every night. This includes up to 15 minutes of reading and 1 minute Timed Reading Fluency passage. Homework is due back the next day. Reading, Vocab, Spelling, Fluency, Math Please look at homework policy & sign.
Lunch & Specials Specials 11:05-11:55 except Wednesday (10:40-11:20) We are on a 10 day specials rotation Science Media Reading in the Arts PE Technology Writing Media PE Lunch 12:43-1:13 Snack 10:50
B.O.B.C.A.T.S. BINDER This is a responsibility binder which will also help with organization skills. Must be brought daily. Agenda – Behavior will be marked on agenda and homework will be listed. Please initial every night.
Ways to Help username: firstnamelastnamepassword: username: sawgrassbay password: sawgrass schools, type sawgrass bay elementary, find Third Grade, scroll down to bottom to find the date, play FREE games
IMPORTANT PAPERS Academic Criteria – Please read and sign tonight. Florida Standards Assessments Information for Families handout
Wish List Treasure chest goodies 3oz. plastic or paper cups Snacks
F.Y.I. our 1 st field trip is October 16. Let’s Have a Great Year!