Popular during the late 16 th and early 17 th century Based off Roman/Greek tragedies Thomas Kyd’s Spanish Tragedy Tragedies = tragic hero = tragic flaw
Play within a play Insanity/madness/psychology Gory scenes Supernatural characters Vengeful ghosts Characters with grievances Murder/death Revenge Trickery/manipulation/deceit
REVENGE Noun Vengeance for yourself AVENGE Verb To take vengeance on behalf of someone else
Something disrupts the order of things. CHAOS! Social restraint falls away. Bad things happen & order is restored.
Written between Longest play written – 4,042 lines Hamlet has 1, 530 lines No basis in historical events 45 movie versions “To be or not to be” most quoted line Allusions in pop-culture ▪ The Lion King ▪ Billy Madison Billy Madison ▪ The Simpsons The Simpsons
Symbolism Puns & double meaning Appearance v Reality Sanity v Insanity Random Fortune v Divine Master Plan Underlying Sexuality Differences in vengeance Death v Decay v Corruption
Soliloquy Purpose? Aside Purpose? Monologue Allusion Irony Dramatic Verbal