ICAS IV : Capacity Building Stakes and pitfalls of the development of statistical systems in agriculture: the web of sustainable development “I will conclude with a final observation about the importance of indicators [….] Therefore, by implication, we play a critical role in measuring the effectiveness of public policy and private business decisions that influence national agricultural performance.” R. Ronald Bosecker ICAS III “Measuring Sustainable Agriculture Indicators” Abdoulaye ADAM (AfDB) Dominique DESBOIS(INRA-SCEES)
Economy Economic Impacts Environment Society Environmental Resources Environmental Amenities Structural Impacts Economic Adjustments Environmental Pressures Economy Economic Impacts Environment Society Environmental Resources Environmental Amenities Structural Impacts Economic Adjustments Environmental Pressures
The Pyramidal Hierarchy of Sustainable Indicators in Europe Users Products Strategy Managers Policy Managers Program Managers Strategic Design Policy Assessment Analysis Development Strategy Policy Design Implementation
Dimensional integration of sustainable development indicators Economic Dimension Social Dimension Environmental Dimension
Sampling Grid by Teruti covering France 4,700 grids the metropolitan French territory 8 positions by grid 10 sampled points by segment The Grid The Segment
Effect of the 2003 drought on the sampling of water in the Adour-Garonne basin, South-West of France Source : Water Agencies of Adour & Garonne 125 <= % < <= % < <= % < <= % < <= % < 50 Increase of the sampled volumes between 2002 and 2003 (%)
Measurement Network of the Quality of the Soils in Progress County Boundaries Level 1 Forest Cells Advancement Report Sampled Impossible sampling
Localisation of the weighted mean of ToFs Type of Farming Label = ox # ox Correspondence Analysis of IDERICA scores at farm level
Field crops Pig & poultry Dairy livestock Cattle breeding Horticulture& Vegetables Permanent Crops P6 P2 Other Types of Farming Horticulture, Vegetable & Permanent Crops Hierarchical Clustering Tree of Types of Farming on the basis of IDERICA Scores at Farm Level
Sustainability analyses standards Thresholds of Alarm Activity (complex of functions) Social requests (priorities) Science Policies Impact on resources Multifunctionality