Europe Asia
Turkey is moderated climate.
İstanbul, Turkey is a bridge between Europe and Asia. ASIA EUROPE
Eurasia Marathone (From Asia To Europe) by walking or running.
Cloudiness MorningNoon Partly cloudy Partly cloudy, sometimes showery weather Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Partly cloudyPartly cloudy, sometimes showery weather Very cloudy, sometimes showery weather Very cloudy, sometimes showery weather
Kind of falls MorningNoon not Rain not not Rain Rain Rain
Quantity of falls MorningNoon ,2kg/m² ,2kg/m² ,5kg/m² ,6kg/m²
Direction of wind MorningNoon Southwest 3-5 wind force Southwest 3-5 wind force Southwest 4-6 wind force Southwest 5-7 wind force Southwest 2-4 wind force Southwest 2-4 wind force West 2-4 wind force West 2-4 wind force East 2-4 wind force East 2-4 wind force North 2-4 wind force North 5 wind forcerth Southwest 2-4 wind force Southwest 2-4 wind force
Greetings partnerships Poland and France. Kids and Deniz from Turkey.