February 13, 2013
Year-End Budget Closing Fistrovich Financial Closing Daniels ENCOMPASS 9.1 Bundles Chaney, Jasheway, Clingan Reminders & QA Panel
Thanks for your help thus far in preparation for year end. For items to be paid / encumbered against FY13 budget, you must comply with deadlines in Auditor of State’s (AOS) and Department of Administration (DOA)Year End Memos. 4
IGNORE pre-FY13 requisitions in PeopleSoft. FOCUS ON purchase orders and project costing cleanup for FY13 transactions. 5
Timely creation of ROC accounting entries. Review any pending prior month entries not completed. Timely approval of GL entries. Is your Agency submitting correcting entries within 90 days of original GL entry? Has your Agency addressed “hanging” AP Vouchers that are 30 days or older? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? 6
REVIEW all current outstanding purchase orders. CLOSE unneeded purchase orders. POs with any activity against them cannot be cancelled. Cleaning up funds with negative APPROP balances. State Budget Agency has pre-loaded FY14 1 st quarter allotments. Initial Budget Allotment schedules and 1 st Quarter Transfer List to be loaded before July 1 st. 7
Prior to PO Roll, all PO Vouchers must be budget checked and posted. To qualify for rollover, approved POs must be dispatched and NOT have budget errors. All outstanding FY13 requisitions must be closed by May 31 st. 8
GMIS will run PO Rollover beginning June 12 th. Schedule by BU to be posted on ENCOMPASS website in early May Application Announcement and ENCOMPASS Homepage Announcement will be posted when PO payments can resume by business unit. PO will retain Budget Reference, but Budget Period will become When a Business Unit is being rolled, Security is removed on that day. Users have access to login, but will not be able to see or do anything related to the BUs for that day. 9
POs with no payments since July 1, 2012 must be closed no later than May 31st, Queries included to view vouchers, requisitions, and purchase order with no payments. 10
Any PO with negative encumbrances must be fixed as instructed or closed no later than May 31st, POs needing to have an advice of change completed (price or quantity changes, incorrect chartfields, etc...) must be adjusted or closed no later than May 31 st,
Any PO identified as being tied to an underpaid receipt must be adjusted or closed by the agency no later than May 31st,
Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Agency’s SBA Budget Analyst. Our goal is to be completed with PO Rollover by June 20 th. 13
Agency staff will not be allowed in PeopleSoft from 4:00 PM on June 28 th until 8:00 AM on July 1 st (Indy time) Reports of Collection due to Treasurer by 3 pm and final accounting entries made by 4 pm on June 28 th to be counted as FY 13 revenue. 14
FY13 ALLOT_CTRL and ALLOT ledgers will be reduced to zero using Budget Close process. FY13 Budget for non-reverting Control 7 Funds will be manually rolled forward to FY14 for ledgers based on APPROP available balance. Control 5 and 6 Funds will be manually rolled forward to FY 14 based on available cash balance. 15
Non-reverting Budgets subject to change based on post-6/30 Administrative Actions for FY13 Plan: Non-reverting Budgets available by 8 AM on July 1 st Reverting Funds (Control 3) – FY13 budgets expire. FY 14 Budgets will be available by 8 am on July 1 st. 16
Tracking spreadsheet “ENCOMPASS Cleanup Items” updated monthly now (every Friday later) and posted on ENCOMPASS website under ENCOMPASS Documents 2013 Document Cleanup /Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2FSBA%2Fencompass%2 FShared%20Documents%2F2013%20Year%20End%20Docum ent%20Cleanup&FolderCTID=0x012000BCB1AAB4C101E043A CA92C4E2CAF12AC&View={F028AA1A-92F6-481F-AD3C- A6A } 18
Please do not submit any AP items to AOS IF: They have edit errors or budget checking errors They have not been posted They have not been fully approved by your Agency Deadline for submitting FY13 Claim Vouchers, PO payments, Travel Vouchers, SDO Reimbursements to AOS by 4:30 PM June 21 st 2014 Budget Reference should not be used for transactions with accounting date prior to July 1 st. 19
Accounting entries must be completed for all ROCs by 4:00 PM June 28 th to be counted as FY13 revenues AR approvers must approve all ROC Direct Journals by 4:00 PM June 28 th SDO Reimbursement Voucher Deposits Accounting entries must be completed by agencies by 4:00 PM June 28 th Do not use 2014 for Budget Reference until July 1, 2013 on deposit accounting entries. 20
Fixed assets acquired June 30, 2013, or earlier must be reported to prevent a prior period adjustment to the State’s financial statements. All available FY13 asset related receivers and asset related vouchers must be completely processed through interfaces into AM by Tuesday July 2, Deadline to enter and complete processing of all asset transactions for FY12 will be July 2nd Every pre interface and interface must be successfully loaded. 21
Closing Periods in AM AM acct periods close monthly - all transactions must be completed by the last day of each month or moved into the next accounting period to be processed To avoid additional clean up, transactions entered must use current date as acct date. Transactions submitted to workflow must be approved before the period is closed 22
All available transactions must be charged/allocated to the correct projects prior to year end, including Negative Revenue amounts in the ENCOMPASS Cleanup Items spreadsheet Drawdowns for receivables from the Federal Government as of June 30, 2013 need to be done and entered in PeopleSoft by July 31,
Deadline for submitting FY13 Journal Entries and ID bill Journal Entries to AOS 4:30 PM June 21 st Automatic exception for allocating June 12 th, June 19 th and June 26 th payroll entries (dates in letter are incorrect) Deadline for these entries is 4:30 PM July 2 nd No exceptions! June 26 th payroll will be loaded by morning of June 24 th (potentially June 22 nd ) 24
Agency staff will not be allowed in PeopleSoft from 4:30 PM on July 12 th until 8:00 AM on July 15 th (Indy time) Necessary to allow processing of Financial Close 25
To implement patches – Fix what was identified as broken from Oracle No new functionality Fixes errors & broken processes 27
Testing important to identify new issues that may have been introduced. Full testing cycle to be executed with requested agencies. Agencies should fully test all agency-specific business processes. 28
System Shutdown - Friday April 12 th 5:00pm System Restored - Monday April 15 th 29
Testing Opportunities Include: Invited testing sessions Feb 18-Apr 5 Anyone from your desk begins March 4 th Testing link – TBA (March 4) Open Classroom testing sessions – TBA Planned for end of March/first of April 30
Unlike version upgrades, this bundles upgrade will NOT require agency document cleanup in advance. 31
No effects on private queries anticipated Since functionality remains the same, no training is required. 32
INDOT - 7am Monday All Remaining Agencies - 9am Monday A notification will be sent indicating when we are officially “live” 33
Post a GMIS Issue EMPLOYEE/ERP/c/SOI_CUSTOM_APPS.SOI_ GMIS_ISSUE.GBL Benefits Helps us to spot any problems Tickets are always tracked to ensure follow-up Quickest way to route to necessary experts 34
AP PO Vouchers must be posted or closed prior to Reqs/PO’s being closed and prior to PO Rollover When a Business Unit is being rolled, Security is removed on that day – schedule to be posted in mid-May PO Rollover prep deadline – May 31st 36
Ensure all Vouchers submitted and to be paid by AOS are Posted and fully Agency Approved prior to Year End Payables cutoff deadline (June 21 st ) Year End Deadlines and Shutouts AM Deadline – July 2 nd No PeopleSoft access from 5 PM July 12 th until 8 AM July 15th 37
System Shutdown - Friday April 12 th 5:00pm System Restored - Monday April 15 th Please be sure to test all agency-specific business processes! 38
Jeff Chaney, GMIS Office (317) Sharon Clingan, GMIS Office (317) Steve Daniels, Auditor of State’s Office Ryan Downham, Auditor of State’s Office (317) Joe Fistrovich, State Budget Agency (317) Paul Jasheway, GMIS Office (317) Kim Logan, Treasurer of State’s Office (317) Marilyn Rudolph, State Board of Accounts (317)
ENCOMPASS Website If you are having technical issues, submit to: ERP/c/SOI_CUSTOM_APPS.SOI_GMIS_ISSUE.GBL 40 We Welcome Your Feedback, Questions & Comments