TQM in Panchayats, Kerala Dr.J.B.Rajan KILA Email: jbrajan07@gmail.com
Background Certificate Course for Elected Representatives [2005-2006] Module on TQM Initiative by one of the participants from Cheruvannoor-Nallalam Grama Panchayat, Kozhikode district [2007] Upscaling Front Office Management [2009] ISO 9001: 2008 through TQM [2013-14]
Cheruvannoor-Nallalam GP: Trend Setter for TQM Formation of Quality Circle (QC) Office Renovation/Realignment Modification of Infrastructure Facilities Set up Record Management Opened Service Counter Officials Identity established Citizen’s Charter-democratically prepared Display of Functional Map
Office Attendance made Public File Movement Register opened Conducted Continuous Training Recognition and Appraisal of Staff Efforts for Continuous Improvement Redressel Mechanism in place
Service Counter
Official Identity Established
Record Room
Record Room
Record Room
Citizens Charter: democratically prepared, public display
Display of Functional Map
Office Attendance made Public
Telephone Booth for Public
Compliant Box
Process Convincing Officialising Implementing Monitoring Informal interactions Officialising Making decisions Implementing Apply TQM components Monitoring For Continuous Improvement
Front Office Management (FoM) Taking clues from Cheruvannoor-Nallalam Initiative Piloting in GPs of Wayanad District Upscaling to GPs State-wide Govt. Order [2009]
Study on FoM [2012] All GPs set up FoM However, Reasons initial vibrancy lost Cosmetic beauty Reasons Missed the core process and spirit FoM is only hard component of TQM, soft component missed
Towards TQM in Panchayats Policy direction and budget assurance For TQM & ISO Govt.Order detailing procedures on TQM-ISO Demand driven training by KILA with conditionality: Participation as a Team President, Vice President, & Secretary Commitment on Action Plan for TQM-ISO
Focus of Training on TQM Formulation of Quality: Vision, Mission, Policy, Objectives Preparation of Quality Manual Process & procedures Formation of Quality Circle (QC) Setting up of Infrastructure Facilities for Public & Officials Record Management e-Governance ISO 9001: 2008 Continuous Improvement
For the year 2013-14 300 GPs applied for training 220 GPs Trained by KILA 220 GPs x 3 = 660 persons 10 GPs availed ISO 9001: 2008 through TQM Rest of the GPs are in the process Follow up by KILA
Before TQM
After TQM
Before After
Thank you jbrajan07@gmail.com