جامـــــعة الإسكـــندريــــة كلية الطب البيطرى مسابقة فايزر مصر الثانية لطلاب كليات الطب البيطرى الزقازيق 31 مارس 2004 Powerd By www.alexvetmed.com.


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Presentation transcript:

جامـــــعة الإسكـــندريــــة كلية الطب البيطرى مسابقة فايزر مصر الثانية لطلاب كليات الطب البيطرى الزقازيق 31 مارس 2004 Powerd By

Claw Affection In Dairy Cattle

Economics Lamness is the third most significant cause of economic loss after infertility and mastitis in dairy herds. Lame cows lose farmers money through : The cost of replacment following culling of a sever case with reduced carcass value. Infertility resulting from prolonged calving to conception interval. Reduced milk yeild. Withdrawal ofAntibiotic contaminated milk. Veterinary cost & staff team. The lame dairy cow has an increased risk of infertility of various causes. Labor cost.

Major problems of Lameness Adults Ι-Horney tissues (85%) 1.Sole Ulcer ( Rusterholz Ulcer ) 2.White line disease 3.Claw overgrowth 4.Sub clinical Laminitis 5.Heal erosions 6.Cracks 7.Corn 8.Picked up nail 9.Chronic Laminitis 10.Thimbling

Π-cutenous Tissues 1.Digital Dermatitis. 2.Interdigital Injuries 3.Inetrdigital vegetative dermatitis. 4.Foot Rot.

Classification of Lamness Acc. To Its Degree Mild Moderate. Sever Dead

General treatment of lamness 1.Medical Treatment Anti-inflamatory: »Steroids → Dexamethazone. » Non-steroidal → Flunoxin Meglomide → Phenyl Butazone → Acetyl Salicylate Antibiotic Antiseptic Counter Irritant »Silver nitrate » Ictyol » Iondine ointement.

2. Surgical treatment Shoeing Amputation Bandage

Interdigital Vegetative Dermatitis ( fibroma or tumor like structure )

Definition : It's proliferation or hyperplasia of skin, S/c at inter digital space. Mainly affect hind limb Causes: Chronic inflammation of skin at inter digital space- thickening of skin & fibroma or tumor like structure. Clinical symptoms: 1- animal bear weight on heal. 2- persistence of lamness 3- hyperplasia or thickening of interdigital space 4- in some cases there is fibroma or tumor like structure vary in size & may reach to fill interdigital space. 5- ulceration & necrosis of fibroma in interdigital space.

Treatment Surgical removal of fibroma : 1.If have neck exision & suture skin 2.If no neck : cauterization or astringent as cuso4 crystals, silver nitrate stick Dressing with antiseptic solution. Dressing with antibiotic Apply claw bandage Smearing of bandage with medical tar.

Foot Rot (Panarathium) (infectious pododermatitis)

Definition: Infection in claw (mainly lateral claw of hind limb & rare in forelimb) & it's enzootic disease. Characterized by inflammation of proximal area of claw & surrounding tissue & may be complicated with phlegmon,necrosis & fistulae. Causes: 1.Predisposing causes: Wounds or cracks in claw due to : 1.Complication of FMD 2.Long standing of animal in wet bedding area 3.Walking of animal in stony roads 2. exciting causes: spherophrous necropherous (main cause) anaerobic streptococcus. Coryne bacterium.

Clinical signs: Depend on degree of affections & types of foot rot: 1.Affect interdigital space – animal beat weight on heels. 2.Lamness varying from moderate to dead degree 3.Bad condition of animal Off food Decrease milk yield Rise in body temperature Increase pulsation& respiration rate. Recumbency in some cases 4.Local symptoms Cutenous form: Ulcers or dermatitis or fibroma at interdigital space with signs of inflammation (hot, swelling & painful) S/C form: Phlegmon above coronet & interdigital space discharging yellowish watery exudates through skin.

Tendenous form: Necrosis of deep flexor tendon – cutting & hyperextension of pedal joint. Articular form : Septic podoarthritis – characterized by purulent fistula at the coronet discharging pus. Osseous form: Ostitis & osteoperiostitis of hoof joint characterized by multiple abscess or False fistula.

Treatment: 1.First Form (cutanous) Treat Cutanous ulcer through : Wash by antiseptic..Cauterization Antiseptic. Dressing by antibiotic sulpha. Apply claw bandage then medical tar. Surgical removal of fibroma. 2. Second form (S/C form): Apply ictyol or hot fomentation. Incision to evacuate pus or exudates. Local apply of antiseptic solution then powder Bandage &medical tar. & if No infection use: Cod liver oil Antibiotic (sulpha, tylosin, massive dose of streptomycin )

3.Third Form (osseous,tendenous & articular ) Amputation of claw,& following technique can be used : 1.Anesthesia (general or regional). 2. shaving & clipping & disinfection. 3. legation above target area. 4. make circular incision above coronet ( between skin & horny material ) 5. lateral incision of claw affected (longitudinal perpendicular to the circular ). 6. Medial incision. 7. Appear 2 flaps ( dorsal & palmer ). 8. by needle enter in pastern joint & above it cut between 1 st & 2 nd phalanges. 9. Massive legation by chromic catgut. 10. suture the skin & covering 1 st phalanges. 11. Application of claw bandage

Specific Traumatic Ulcer of the Sole ( Rosterholz Ulcer)

Affect mainly foreign breeds ( frezian & Holstein) Affect mainly hind limb Mainly affect lateral claw & rarely median claw Ulcer mainly present in the posterior part of claw closed to the inner border of the claw (near digital space). Causes: 1.Heavy weighted animals specially those kept on hard ground. 2.over growth of the claw,animal bear weight on heal,this affection mainly affect animals in side farm (not grazing) 3.complication of picked up nail or penetration. 4.interdigital vegetative dermatitis lead to tumor fill all interdigital space. 5.congenital & Acquired dermatitis of claw,Animal bear weight on heal.

Clinical symptoms 1.ulcer in heel &animal bear weight on toe. 2.Lamness – vary from moderate to dead degree & animal in sever cases can't rise leg 3.local symptoms upon rise leg as: - inflamed circumscribed area have no horny material. - ulcer discharging pus. - In some cases the ulcer covered with hyper granulation tissue. 4. More complicated cases : - Necrosis of deep flexor tendon - Necrosis of third phalanx. - Fracture of third phalanx. - Hyper extension of pedal joint.

Treatment 1.Remove of necrosed tissue of sensitive & horny material. 2.thoroughly wash claw with antiseptic solution. 3.Local antibiotic dressing as streptopencid, sulphanilamide. 4.In case of bleeding use astringent. 5.Apply claw bandage. 6.If no pus Change bandage every 3-4 days for a week,But if pus is found. change every day. 7.Cod liver oil to increase healing. 8.Apply wooden claw (wooden shoe).

اعداد : طالب / حســـام جعفر عبدالكريم. طالب / ابراهيم اسماعيل الشهاوى. طالب / محمد على ابراهيم مرعى. طالب / محمد محمد عبدالرحمن. طالب / أحمد نصر الخمارى.