Coach Osborne – A days Coach Townsend – B days
Introduction of Coach Classroom Expectations: 1. Make Responsible Choices Follow directions; Be ready before class starts. 2. Care About Your Community Be kind and respectful to others; clean up room. 3. Model Leadership Listen and participate in class. 4. Strive to Succeed Be prepared for class; be responsible for turning in assignments on time.
The following are behaviors that will be monitored and points added if not followed. Points will be visible on the Aspen portal. TardyDress Code *BYLD infraction*Not Following Directions Willful RefusalDisrespect Out of AreaBackpack HorseplayClass Disruption * BYLD DEVICES ARE TO BE ON TOP OF THE STUDENT’S DESK AT ALL TIMES WHEN IN USE.
We will be using an online book. The website is: You will each have a username and password. Current Health magazines; Supplies for class: ◦ Sneakers and comfortable clothes ◦ Health folder with pockets ◦ Pen or pencil ◦ Agenda ◦ OPTIONAL AND APPRECIATED: tissues and hand sanitizer.
The Health Triangle Influences on Health Self Esteem Peer Pressure Communication Fitness Nutrition Drugs (Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Meds)
Be on time Come to class prepared (folder, writing utensil, agenda). When entering the room, read the agenda on the white board and collect any needed materials. Sharpen pencils/have writing utensil and health folder out on your desk. Begin work as indicated on class agenda. Turn in work to file shelf in front of class for YOUR HEALTH TEACHER. Assignment #s Classroom Managers
Classwork:50% Projects:25% Quizzes:25% Late work: Late work will be accepted until the last week of the quarter. Until the assignment is turned in, it will appear as “NHI” in your gradebook, and count as a “0”. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to see the classroom manager at the start of the next class to get your missing assignments. Come see me if you have any questions about assignments or missed a quiz.
* Fire Drills Students exit the building in a single file line, SILENTLY, through the bus lobby doors and over to the the PE field. Teacher will call attendance so you should be silent. When called, say “HERE”. * Code Red Students should be SILENT IMMEDIATELY, and move quickly and silently to the back cabinet area, against the wall, and under the desks. Tornado Go out into the hallway and sit on the floor with knees up, and head on knees.
EVERY student will be offered this class. 6 th Grade is a two day class. September 16-17, Girls will be taught by the female connections and PE teachers; boys will be taught by the male connections and PE teachers.