{ Resistors Fighting against the regime
Nazis carried out systematic murder in much of Europe Silently accepted by millions of bystanders Organized resistance found in some areas Most effective: partisans and underground fighters Exceptions to Every Rule
Many did fight back Overt opposition was rarely wise because of the danger of reprisals from the Germans to community members/on-the-spot death Why didn’t they fight back?
Jehovah’s Witnesses Communists Socialists Trade Union Leaders The White Rose German Resistance
The mainstream German church supported the Nazi regime Individual German theologians opposed the Nazis Clandestinely wrote, printed, distributed anti- Nazi literature Churches Take Sides
A “model of spiritual resistance” Defiant Refused to serve in the German army As concentration camp prisoners, they organized illegal study groups Marked with purple triangles Would be freed if they signed documents renouncing their religion Jehovah’sJehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s
“Protest of Youth” Movement founded in 1942 by a 24-yr-old medical student and his sister and friend Stands for purity and innocence in the face of evil Distributed anti-Nazi leaflets and painted “Freedom!” and “Down with Hitler!” on walls Arrested in 1943 and executed four days later The White Rose White RoseWhite Rose
Young medical students began a grassroots campaign to end the Nazis’ influence by passive resistance They were ordered to the Russian front but returned quickly after seeing the maltreatment of Jews and prisoners. Determined to make the White Rose a permanent resistance cell The White Rose Inspires
Many throughout the war Unsuccessful attempt in 1944—Hitler survived the bomb bomb 4 leaders immediately shot, 200 others killed later Plots to Assassinate Hitler
“partisans”—guerilla fighters who offered armed resistance Found in Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Poland Members of other victimized groups resisted— in May 1944, SS men ordered Roma to leave barracks of Auschwitz: they refused, armed with knives and axes—SS men retreated Anti-Nazi Organizations
1. Armed Resistance—violent, confrontational challenges to persecution 2. Alleviation—activities designed to avert danger (petitions, protection, ransoms) 3. Evasion—flight, concealment, hiding 4. Paralysis—inability to respond at all 5. Compliance--Acceptance Pattern of Jewish Resistance
Nazi policy was brutal reprisal against the whole community for any individual act of Jewish resistance Lack of weapons Continued hope of surviving These factors initially repressed armed resistance in ghettos UnarmedUnarmed Resistance Unarmed
Millions unaware that the Final Solution was being implemented until as late as 1942 “Mussellmen” –prisoners wasting away in concentration camps (apathetic—walking skeletons) Awareness