Hello! Did I arrive in Europe?
Are you the children?
Do you go to the kindergarten?
I’m very rude, I didn’t say my name to you.
I’m from planet Jupiter. Do you know what is Jupiter?
Jupiter is one big planet. Do you want to see what it looks like?
On my planet, Jupiter, much is different than here on Earth.
I don’t understand lot of things here on Earth. That’s why I come here. I know that you kindergarten children know a lot of things. Do you want to help me?
On Jupiter we don’t have a names, like you. We just have numbers. My number is I would like to have name like you, name with letters. Can you give me the name with letters?
Thank you! I like that name! Thank you!
Please tell me your names!
Ooo, what a beautifull names. I really need your help.
You talk a lot about friendship. We on planet Jupiter don’t know what is friendship? What is friendship!
Aha…….I don’t have a friend. I just have neighbor. Do you won to see my neighbor?
What friends do? What is his or her job?
Do friends help one another? How?
Do friends share their toys and other things?
Is it possible for friend to have a fight? How?
What is the fight for? In what way can such a fight be ended?
„Best friend” – what does this mean?
Can a girl and a boy be best friends?
Thank you, you explain this very well to me. I have to think about it now.
Now I’m going to think about the friendship.
Can I come to talk to you again?
One more time, thank you! Bye!
There are some things running through my head, But on Jupiter I can’t answer them. At the early dawn I went on a trip, 'cause I'm looking for an answer or a tip. I heard one word, and that is 'friendship' I think that’s a special spaceship. Or some kind of food? I wonder does it taste good. To keep a friend you don’t need a guard, but to find a good friend is hard. Should I look for friendship in the market place? I want it, so help me solve the case!