What’s Inside a Cell? All cells consist of a ___cell membrane that is filled with organelles. Inside the cells of most organisms is a major structure called the nucleus. In addition, plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts.
The Cell Membrane The cell membrane is a thin, flexible, outer ________that controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell. It also hold the cell together and gives the cell its __________. shape “skin”
The Nucleus The nucleus is the COMMAND CENTER or BRAIN for the cell. It is usually found near the center and is the “boss.” The nucleus controls all of a cell’s activities.
The Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is the name for all of a cell’s living material except the nucleus. It is % water and somewhat like ___________. It is crowded with different ___________ (a small part of the cell). Jell-O organelles
Mitochondria They are compared to A POWER HOUSE. They release energy by using oxygen to burn the fuel that comes from food.
Vacuoles These are the cell’s ____________ organelles. They store water and nutrients until the cell is ready to use them. They also store waste until it is ready to get rid of it. storage
Endoplasmic Reticulum A network of passages that help make and _____________ proteins. Proteins are needed for _________, repair, and replacement of cells. They also contain ribosomes which make proteins. *Like an intracellular highway” transport growth Surrounds the Nucleus
Golgi Bodies A stack of flat, pancake- shaped discs that modify, sort, package, and store _______________ and proteins until they are needed. They also make lysosomes. carbohydrates
Lysosomes Round organelles that _____ _____ _ cell nutrients. They are the ___________ collectors of the cell. Digest garbage