Brief introductions Opportunities that await Process of theme building Establishing the Theme NAME Next steps
Welcome What we hope to accomplish as team leaders
Brief Introductions Who we are? What will be gained with Theme membership? What we hope to contribute?
Opportunities that await
Process of theme building Defining groups for: collaboration, optimizing research potential, leveraging funding opportunities, sharing common interest & technologies
Member-proposed groups Magnetic Resonance Imaging Science Cognitive Brain Network in Health and Disease Mental Health Brain Development Disorders Neurosurgery Epilepsy Imaging and Interpretation Functional Brain Imaging Brain, Behaviour and Development Neurodevelopmental disabilities Developmental Neuroscience Neurodegeneration Movement disorders Translational neuroscience Sleep/Wake-Behaviours in children and youth with neurodevelopmental conditions Group on interventions, services, supports and policies for children with neurodisability Mental health and childhood neurodisability: improving child and family outcomes Innovations in Neurological Care and Neurotechnology Pharmacology Biomarkers
Clusters across proposed groups (aim for 10-20/ group): Neuroimaging Mental health Neurodevelopment Translational neuroscience? Interventional neuroscience? Stress regulation and childhood behavior Neuropharmacology and biomarkers
Establishing the theme name
……. how about: ‘Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health’ …thoughts? gut reactions?
Next steps
Purpose of Group Meetings Agree on collective scope/existing key interests Identify future aims to be enabled by new infrastructure and/or resources Identify key enablers within the group
CFRI Planning Approach & Timelines May Information Sessions Theme Launch Meetings Theme Meetings June Group Meetings Theme Lead/Group Lead Meetings July-August Draft CFRI Strategic Framework Review and Refinement October Completed Framework to Foundation Board/PHSA