What does the Future Hold?
1. How long have you been a deputy? 2. Do you have both Deputy Sealer and Commissioner’s Licenses? 3. Do you have an Agricultural Commissioner’s License? 4. Do you have a Sealer’s License? 5. Are you interested in becoming a Commissioner/Sealer at some point in your career?
Are you currently seeking a position as a commissioner/sealer? Yes/No
Which of the following make you less likely to pursue a commissioner/sealer position: 1. Unwilling to uproot/move/relocate 2. Not interested in additional responsibility 3. Prefer to work at the Deputy level (closer to field work) 4. The job is too difficult/too much headache 5. Too much travel to conferences, area group meetings etc. 6. Negative effect on work/life balance 7. No desire to work on or become involved in political issues 8. I would lose my current leave balances by changing counties 9. The change in retirement formulas when changing counties 10. The pay differential does not justify the additional responsibility 11. I don’t feel adequately prepared or capable of performing the job 12. Other – Fill in the blank
What are the greatest benefits to becoming a commissioner/sealer: 1. Pay increase 2. Ability to enact positive change 3. Participating in local and statewide CACASA area groups 4. Ability to fulfill leadership potential 5. Ability to influence statewide policy, laws and regulations 6. Authority and Independence to exercise leadership and set goals and priorities 7. Ability to directly engage with community leaders 8. Other – Fill in the blank