Future Trends : Esperance Goldfields Region Annimac 23 rd October 2004 Esperance Western Australia Speaker
Rate of Change 10 days - new technology 10 minutes - new product / service 10 seconds - new web site Change we have in one day Our grandparents had in one year Younger means faster
Driving all Drivers of Change Technology by % types of jobs do not exist now because 80 % technology not thought of yet
Likely jobs in next 10 years : Director of Emerging Thought Chief Zookeeper - of people Creative Undertaker Thought Jockey Pasture Programmer Hacker Relations Manager Valuer of Intangible Assets * Human Interface Manager * * Exists 2003
Nature of Work Co opitalism Sustainability Project based Team based Relationships One off alliances - consortia Globally networked Fast flat skill decision making Value driven
Impact for E – G Region Co opitalism Sustainability Clean & green values Strong relationship with client Fast & flexible response Alliances Globally networked Latest knowledge
Nature of Employment Casualisation Contract - Part time Self employment Five Career changes Multi skilled employees Small businesses Increase low income jobs SOHO : small office home office
Impact for E – G Region Casualisation Diverse contracting Individual negotiation Multiskilling essential - ICTech Life long learning Small business advantage Changing social patterns
Generations Baby Boomers New aged confident have all the answers been there done that Generation X Half n half uncertain what to do with themselves or their ageing parents searching for new options Boomers won’t hand over reins
DotComs Connecting globally Boomers’ grandkids - 2 universes busy - big commitment concerns for planet not selves assume innovations for needs Ferals 0 – 15 No boundaries no limits in time, space or distance what they need they will create. Generations
Future for E – G Region Challenges : Agribiz & Min resources old values Transition to new values : sustainability Oil gas water salinity community global markets Gap between small & large biz Gap between young & old thinking Values & awareness Nature of world trade : Skills of networking Comfort with ICTech Attitude to change
Future for E – G Region Great News : Immense resources : natural people space Solid values & attitudes : innovative hard working community Australasia : World Trading Bloc Global market potential : export import Leading edge recognition : mining agribiz energy alliancing change Already doing it !
thank you w w w. a n n I m a c. c o m. a u