2 CONTENTS 1.Decommissioning plans: -conceptual plan; -decommissioning plan; -plan for final shut down of the nuclear facility. 2.Reports associated with decommissioning
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”3 TRAINING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of training trainees should be able to: Describe the structure and main parts of decommissioning documentation. Explain the scope and content of the Conceptual Plan and the Decommissioning Plan. Explain the scope and content of the Plan for Final Shut Down of the Nuclear Facility. Describe the structure and the scope of the Decommissioning Safety Analysis Report. Describe the structure and the scope of the Environment Impact Report. Describe the structure and the scope of the Final Decommissioning Report.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”4 STANDARD REGULATIONS Holder of permit (licensee) for selection of site, design, construction, commissioning and licensee for nuclear facility operation develop initial and interim concepts and plans for nuclear facility decommissioning. Stressing on the ethical principles – not to accrue burden on future generations in result of today’s generation activities – requires speeding up of decommissioning process. Nuclear facility decommissioning is based on a concept used as a basis for choosing optimum and safe option for main activities performance and implementation phases during decommissioning.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”5 CONTENTS OF CONCEPT Long-term decommissioning concept; Technical measures and modifications facilitating decommissioning activities: appropriate layout of facilities, systems and components; structural materials, equipment and systems easy to decontaminate. Preliminary analyses and assessments of decommissioning impact on population and environment; Financial assurance substantiation: preliminary evaluation of needed finances; ways and mechanisms to provide needed financial means and their management in accordance with local current standard regulations.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”6 THE CONCEPT – A DEMONSTRATIVE INFORMATION DOCUMENT Expected status of sites and equipment; Volume and activity of radioactive materials and waste; Radiological status; Decommissioning activities; Environmental status; Expected impact of activities on environment; Activities to decrease unfavorable impact; RAW and spent fuel management; Evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of different options.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”7 A CONCEPT PRIOR TO NUCLEAR FACILITY COMMISSIONING Contains updated information related to: existing facility status; technologies for RAW and spent fuel management. Defines requirements for registration and archiving of information important for preparation for decommissioning; Contains detailed substantiation of changes in option selections, if any.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”8 DECOMMISSIONING PLAN – BASIS FOR DEVELOPMENT Safety analysis report; Good practices, results, documents and data received in the process of ongoing planning; Results of other analyses, studies and projects related to decommissioning, including environmental impact assessment; Analyses and substantiations that cover and justify availability, technical status, operational lifetime, and preparedness to perform the functions of existing systems and safety related equipment.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”9 DECOMMISSIONING PLAN – IMPROVED CONCEPTUAL PLAN Based on the concept; Contains description of social aspects; Contains the two options for technical solution; Contains zero option in case of failure to implement decommissioning.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”10 CONTENTS OF DECOMMISSIONING PLAN Short description of main plan components; Description of facility and site; Description of conditions and events that occurred during operations and reasons for decommissioning; List of standards used for decommissioning planning; Radiological criteria at decommissioning; Substantiation of selected decommissioning option; Schedule and description of decommissioning activities; Evaluation of generated radioactive and other hazardous materials; Classification of safety related systems and equipment for different decommissioning phases; Description of planned modifications of existing systems and new systems needed for decommissioning;
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”11 CONTENTS OF DECOMMISSIONING PLAN – CONTND. Description of decontamination activities; Description of technologies and technical means; RAW management program; Safety assessment program; Radiation protection concept; Radiation monitoring programs; Description of organization and responsibilities; Quality assurance program; Plant emergency plan; Documents identifying measures for physical protection; Evaluation of needed financial resources; Monitoring programs upon completion of decommissioning; Schedule for reporting to BNRA.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”12 MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC PARAMETERS Process costs per cause nature: Costs for industrial activities; Costs depending on time; Single costs. Labour-consuming; Stuffing; Duration of the process.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”13 PARAMETERS CHARACTERISING IMPACT ON STAFF Individual exposure dose: External radiation; Absorbed radiation. Collective exposure dose.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”14 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT PARAMETERS Gaseous releases; Liquid releases.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”15 PARAMETERS CHARACTERIZING THE NEED FOR WASTE DISPOSAL Quantity of generated by-product waste; Possibility for temporary storage of waste; Number of containers with conditioned RAW for pre- surface disposal; Number of containers with conditioned RAW for disposal in deep geological formations; Possibilities for long-term storage of waste prior disposal.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”16 OTHER PARAMETERS Weight of the metal for unlimited usage; Weight of re-cycled material generated during demolition of construction sites; Volume of non-radiated material; Weight of contaminated metal for disposal; Liquid waste generated during decommissioning; Solid waste generated during decommissioning; Consumption parameters.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”17 DOCUMENTS DEVELOPED DURING DECOMMISSIONING Plan at the stage of final shutdown of a nuclear facility Required documentation for granting a permit at decommissioning phase Plan of a phase during decommissioning
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”18 OBJECTIVES OF FINAL SHUTDOWN DOCUMENTATION Identification of safe, reliable and efficient method of operation of equipment needed at that phase; Identification of equipment and sites not needed for further operation; Identification of methods for shutdown and safe separation of equipment.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”19 FINAL SHUTDOWN DOCUMENTATION - CONTENTS Description of new supporting venting systems or restoration of available systems; Description of maintenance, repair and reconstruction; Installation of modular boxes; Installation of laundry equipment and RAW treatment equipment; Erection of disposal facilities; Implementation of new monitoring systems.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”20 DOCUMENTATION FOR GRANT OF PERMIT (LICENSE) FOR DECOMMISSIONING Identification data of the applicant; Type of requested permit (license); Term of permit (license); General description of site main characteristics; Data for administrative acts; List of attached documents.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”21 ATTACHMENTS TO APPLICATION Legal documents; Documents concerning the applicant; Substantiation of term duration; List of applicable standards; Safety assessment report; Decommissioning plan; Operational regulations; Operational procedures; Decision on the assessment of environment impact.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”22 DOCUMENTS FOR PERMITION OF A PHASE DURING DECOMMISSIONING Updated decommissioning plan for corresponding phase; Activity organization and implementation plan; Operational regulations; Operational procedures; Updated SAR for the phase.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”23 CONSTITUENT PARTS OF PHASE PLAN Results of radioactive control; Program for control; Substantiation of changes in operating limits and conditions; Substantiation of selected equipment.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”24 TYPES OF PHASE PLANS Plan for preparation of safe enclosure phase; Plan for safe enclosure phase; Plan for finishing phase.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”25 SAFETY ASSESSMENT REPORT Description of nuclear facility and its ambient media; Concept for decommissioning; Spent fuel management; Radioactive waste and other hazardous materials management; Radiation protection; Release from control of materials; Legal requirements; Description of decommissioning activities;
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”26 SAFETY ASSESSMENT REPORT – CONTND. Description of decommissioning technologies; Description of the new and reconstructed systems; Safety analyses; Description of hazardous substances inventory; RAW description and classification; Description of radioactive releases; Monitoring program; Description of procedures for radiological protection of staff; Description of organization of decommissioning.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”27 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Structure similar to the one of safety report; Compares several options of decommissioning process; Covers in details decommissioning costs and losses; Developed on the basis of updated decommissioning conceptual plan.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”28 FINAL DECOMMISSIONING DOCUMENTATION Final report; Site radiological status assessment; Application for issuance of permit for release of nuclear facility: Description of nuclear facility status; Description of decommissioning activity; Report on professional exposure doses; Inventory of radioactive materials; Inventory of materials cleared from regulatory control; List of retrieved information; Report on final radiological survey and independent review report.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”29 REFERENCES Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants and Research Reactors, Safety Guide, SS № WS-G-2.1 (1999) Organization and Management for the Decommissioning of Large Nuclear Facility, TRS № 399 (2000) The Decommissioning of WWER-Type Nuclear Power Plants, IAEA-TECDOC-1133 (2000) Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, 2002 Regulation for the Safety of the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, 2004 Regulation for the Procedure for Issuing Licenses and Permits for Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, 2004