WHAT PROMPTED YOU TO SET CAPS UP? Old system: inefficient; risky for businesses; proper permits were not issued, companies were being fined, roads and bridges were used without oversight inefficient; risky for businesses; proper permits were not issued, companies were being fined, roads and bridges were used without oversight Request from area businesses to simplify OS/OW permitting system New system: accommodates all local agencies; can generate agency accommodates all local agencies; can generate agency revenue; is convenient for businesses; saves businesses $$$
HOW MUCH DID IT COST? HOW LONG DID IT TAKE? The Centralized Agencies Permitting System took over a year to implement. Start up costs, annual fixed costs and annual administrative costs were determined Start up costs-paid by each agency based upon estimated number of permits issued Annual costs-paid by CAPS permit fee (currently $10)
WHAT HAS BEEN THE IMPACT OF CAPS? The CAPS has greater control over routes taken (for all agencies) The types of permits issued have been simplified to be efficient for both the agencies and businesses. Businesses seem to love the system The system is revenue/expense neutral to CAPS The number of permits issued has actually increased, thereby increasing revenue to agencies
HOW DID CAPS ENGAGE THE TOWNSHIPS AND MUNICIPALITIES? First, we asked if they were interested and explained our plan for how we would set it up Second, agencies saw advantages that they liked: They avoided day to day permitting issues. CAPS does all the work Some passed revenue enhancing ordinances (CAPS provided the impetus for implementation) The system provided a significant administrative and functional improvement for the Township Highway Commissioners The increased efficiency helps all agencies
DOES CAPS INTERFACE WITH THE STATE SYSTEM? o Yes on an on-going basis as needed o Yes, even more so now that the State is coordinating their permitting with locals
ADVICE FOR SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CAPS System improvements are on-going CAPS System improvements are on-going CAPS program tracks all revenue and generates financial reports CAPS program tracks all revenue and generates financial reports CAPS tracks all agency revenue and issues checks monthly CAPS tracks all agency revenue and issues checks monthly Recommend on-line permit application Recommend on-line permit application Recommend ability to accept credit cards Recommend ability to accept credit cards Recommend ability to set up accounts for permittees Recommend ability to set up accounts for permittees
ADVICE FOR SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Recommend that State and Local enforcement is aware of county-wide permitting system Recommend that State and Local enforcement is aware of county-wide permitting system Recommend permitting system is simple and reflective of business needs Recommend permitting system is simple and reflective of business needs Meet and update local agencies at least yearly Meet and update local agencies at least yearly CAPS is a stand alone financial entity in Winnebago County CAPS is a stand alone financial entity in Winnebago County
Questions? ► Wayne Vlk Assistant County Engineer ► Joe Ponder CAPS Coordinator ► ►