German U-Boats and America’s Entry into WWI
Germany and Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Announced on January 9 th, 1917 Germans were desperate as the war was not going well on the Western Front Germans feared that it would provoke America into a response, but also thought that if they had shocking results, America may stay out of the war.
The Question of Neutral Ships America was a neutral state. However, ships were frequently in the Atlantic shipping supplies to the allies. Germans questioned whether they should torpedo neutral ships and ultimately decided to start a commerce war with those trading with Britain American note to Berlin: Germany would be held responsible for any American ship that was sunk.
Lusitania – May 7 th, 1915 British ocean liner torpedoed by a German U-Boat close to 1200 people died, 128 Americans Germans violated international laws >> non-military ship without warning The ship was carrying war munitions. influenced U.S. to declare war in 1917
February 1 st, 1917 unrestricted submarine warfare instituted by Germany Wilson broke off diplomatic relations with Germany hoping the Germans would go back on their decision.
Zimmerman Telegram British intelligence intercepted a message from Germany to Mexico. wanted Mexico’s support if America entered the war against Germany By March 21 st, seven American merchant ships had been sunk by the Germans.
Wilson – April 6, 1917 summoned Congress to approve going to war with Germany Reasons Wilson cited: unrestricted submarine warfare sinking of Lusitania Germans were trying to incite the Mexicans against them Belgian atrocities at beginning of the war notion of fighting for democracy (UK and France functionally democracies, but surrounded by monarchies)
Resources "Unrestricted Submarine Warfare". Web. The American Journey textbook