Using a wide range of technological tools can enhance the educational exchange between teachers of the 20 th century and students of the 21 st century. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms is a resource for teachers in the K-12 classroom and beyond.
The students of today are “plugged-in” and they are there to stay!! Educators face the challenge of finding innovative ways that students can interact with course material.
Requires : A supportive environment in the school; The recognized need to improve student achievement; The commitment and involvement of the principal, staff, superintendent, and assistant superintendent of school improvement; Teacher empowerment; Opportunities for continuous professional growth. (Tubbs, J. Eric, Ed. D., 1998)
Through a technology infused curriculum, students can learn lesson content by integrating digital tools, using online workbooks, and even distance learning. Technology can be integrated in the cooperative learning environment and can be helpful in achieving a common goal of group learners. (Steelman, Jane D., 2005)
Teachers can use technology as a methodology to guide design and foster creativity. Technology that helps students view images in three dimensions (3-D) can support a broad range of learning styles. (Anthamatten, Peter, Ziegler, Susy S., 2006)
"Virtual Lectures" (text-based, structured electronic courseware with information presented in manageable "chunks", interaction and multimedia) and "e-Lectures" (on-screen synchrony of PowerPoint slides and recorded voice) would be used as alternatives to traditional lectures (Stephenson, Julia E., Brown, Clifford, Griffin, Darren K., 2008)
Students are texting, blogging, uploading, downloading, and sharing files everyday. This is the new platform for which educators must springboard content. Lessons in virtual or electronic forms make learning for today’s student interactive and fun. To teach the we must reach them. To reach them, we must find them where they are… ON THE INTERNET!!!!