Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Next There are 9 multiple choice questions in this exercise. Answer by clicking on one of the red letters (A, B, C, Or D). You will get a feedback to your response. Click on the button (to go back to the question) or button(to go to the next screen/question). Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 1. Weed control is particularly important in rainfed sorghum because AA. sorghum is a legume. BB. of slow initial growth. CC. sorghum is a shallow rooted crop. DD. of severe competition with grassy weeds. Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 2. The critical period of weed competition in sorghum crop. AA. At sowing time BB. Flowering stage CC. Tillering stage DD. 2 to 4 weeks after sowing Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 3. When the first schedule for weed control activity in sorghum should start? AA. Before sowing BB. Immediately after germination CC. After the seedlings are established DD. At flowering Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 4. An important parasitic weed in sorghum crop AA. Cynodon BB. Striga CC. Dodder DD. Field bind weed Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 5. Efficient and effective weed control can be achieved by AA. manual weeding BB. cultural practices CC. chemical control DD. combining the above 3 practices Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 6. One of the cultural practices to minimize weed competition in sorghum crop. A. use organic manuresA BB. apply more phosphorus CC. adopt good crop rotation DD. use high yielding variety Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 7. Use of chemicals (herbicides) to control weeds should be based on AA. right chemical BB. know how to use the chemical CC. comparative advantage over manual weeding DD. all the 3 above Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 8. Can you identify the weed in the picture? A. Xanthium strumariumA (Cocklebur) BB. Leucas aspera (Dronapushpi) CC. Amaranthus spp. (Pigweed) DD. I do not know Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control 9. Can you identify the weed in the picture? A. Setaria spp.A (Foxtail) BB. Cyperus rotundus (Purple nut sedge) CC. Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) DD. I do not know Next
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Thank you for completing this exercise. Now you may review this Module or select next Module i.e. Module X from Course contents.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. Sorghum is not a legume. The correct answer is: Weed control is particularly important in rainfed sorghum because of its initial slow growth.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is correct. Weed control is particularly important in rainfed sorghum because of its initial slow growth.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. The critical period of weed competition in sorghum crop is 2 to 6 weeks after sowing.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. The correct answer is: The critical period of weed competition in sorghum crop is 2 to 6 weeks after sowing.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. The first schedule for weed control activity in sorghum should start even before sowing so that the germinated seedlings will not face any weed competition.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. The correct answer is: The first schedule for weed control activity in sorghum should start even before sowing so that the germinated seedlings will not face any weed competition.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. Striga is an important parasitic weed in sorghum crop.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. Cynodon and Field Bind weed are important weeds in sorghum but they are not parasites. The correct answer is: Striga is an important parasitic weed in sorghum crop.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. Dodder is a parasitic weed but do not affect sorghum plants. The correct answer is: Striga is an important parasitic weed in sorghum crop.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. Efficient and effective weed control can be achieved by combing appropriately the 3 weed control practices.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. The correct answer is: Efficient and effective weed control can be achieved by combing appropriately the 3 weed control practices.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. Adopting a good crop rotation practice is one of the cultural practices which helps to minimize weed competition in sorghum crop.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct. The correct answer is: Adopting a good crop rotation practice is one of the cultural practices which helps to minimize weed competition in sorghum crop.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. Use of chemicals (herbicides) to control weeds should be based on the availability of right chemical, know how to use that chemical and with a comparative advantage over manual weeding.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is partly correct. But, The correct answer is: Use of chemicals (herbicides) to control weeds should be based on the availability of right chemical, know how to use that chemical and with a comparative advantage over manual weeding.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. It is Amaranthus spp. (Pigweed).
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct The weed in the picture is Amaranthus spp. (Pigweed). The above one is Cocklebur
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct The weed in the picture is Amaranthus spp. (Pigweed). The above one is Leucas aspera
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control If you could not identify, The weed in the picture is Amaranthus spp. (Pigweed), a common weed in sorghum crop.
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your are right. It is Cyperus rotundus (Purple nut sedge)
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct The weed in the picture is Cyperus rotundus (Purple nut sedge). The above one is Foxtail
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control Your answer is not correct The weed in the picture is Cyperus rotundus (Purple nut sedge). The above one is Bermuda grass
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics Course on Sorghum Production Practices Module IX Weeds and Weed Control If you could not identify, The weed in the picture is Cyperus rotundus (Purple nut sedge), a common sedge weed in sorghum crop.