MOVAR: Monitoring the Upper Ocean Thermal Variability between Rio de Janeiro and Trindade Island PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Take advantage of the Brazilian Navy.


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Presentation transcript:

MOVAR: Monitoring the Upper Ocean Thermal Variability between Rio de Janeiro and Trindade Island PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Take advantage of the Brazilian Navy regular supply ships to Trindade Is. to obtain a high-resolution time-series (spatial resolution ~15nm ; ~3 months time resolution) of the upper ocean thermal structure in a sparsely sampled area of the SW Atlantic. That is accomplished using a high-resolution XBT line and will help to elucidate several aspects of the gyre scale circulation and its variability, help to calibrate models and allow comparisons with other ocean basins.

OTHER OBJECTIVES –Conjugate the XBT time-series with the launch of drifting buoys so as to better understand the circulation in this area and further contribute to programs like PNBOIA, ARGO and the Global Drifter Program. –Compare the large scale variability information from the in-situ observations with quasi-synoptic satellite data (sst, altimeter, color) SUPPORT MOVAR activities are supported by several institutions: FURG, NOAA/AOML, GOOS/Regional, Brazilian Navy, SeCIRM and CNPq.

MOVAR repeat line GOAL yearly line AX98

ARGO Profiling Floats density over the world ocean

High latitude oceanography and marine biology group

The Regions of Interest The Regions of Interest BMC Patagonian Shelf-Break Antarctic Pen. & NW Weddell Sea



Bathymetric mapping (ETOPO5) of the DOVETAIL program study area. The hydrographic stations selected to compose the box models are shown for the cruises ARXVIII (●) and ARXIX (  ), respectively. NW WEDDELL SEA STUDIES

CRUISE ARXVIII (2000) Philip Passage Powell Basin

Orkney Passage Bruce Passage Northern WG CRUISE ARXVIII (2000)

During the austral summer of 2000 the Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) net transports: During the austral summer of 2000 the Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) net transports: Philip Passage = 0.01 ± 0.01 SvPhilip Passage = 0.01 ± 0.01 Sv Orkney Passage = 1.15  0.32 SvOrkney Passage = 1.15  0.32 Sv Bruce Passage = 1.03  0.23 SvBruce Passage = 1.03  0.23 Sv After extrapolation within bottom triangles these transports are:After extrapolation within bottom triangles these transports are: Philip Passage = 0.12 ± 0.03 Sv Philip Passage = 0.12 ± 0.03 Sv Orkney Passage = 3.46 ± 1.81 Sv Orkney Passage = 3.46 ± 1.81 Sv Bruce Passage = 1.20 ± 2.15 Sv Bruce Passage = 1.20 ± 2.15 Sv

CRUISE ARXIX(2001) Philip Passage Powell Basin

CRUISE ARXIX (2001) During the austral summer of 2000 the Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) net transports: During the austral summer of 2000 the Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) net transports: Philip Passage = ± 0.001SvPhilip Passage = ± Sv After extrapolation within bottom triangles these transports are:After extrapolation within bottom triangles these transports are: Philip Passage = ± 0.002Sv Philip Passage = ± Sv

SASSI (Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions) IAnZone initiative for IPY