Southwest Atlantic Breakout Group Chair: Billy Moore Rapporteur: Tina van de Flierdt Participants: Steven Goldstein Gideon Henderson Felipe Niencheski Peter Statham Jana Friedrich
Three Proposed Sections
Cruise 1: Along the South American Shelf Main goal: capture and understand productivity on one of the largest shelf regions outside the Arctic Ocean (strong seasonality – Oct/Nov = peak signal – do two cruises) start in Rio, go to Comodoro Rivadavia (probably join up with Drake cruise?) potential sources of Fe (micronutrients): dust, rivers, submarine groundwater discharge, upwelling recommendation: set up a dust/air collection station on the Falkland Islands
Chl-a Night light Dust model Chl-a
Cruise 2: Zonal Section Main goal: capture all the main Atlantic water masses along a zonal section start from Buenos Aires, go into the deep Argentine basin And then along 40S over to the mid Atlantic ridge captures a major river outflow, a margin with terrigenous input, goes into a ridge with carbonate sedimentation for proxy calibration cores should be taken on the transect Across the shelf and close to the ridge (grab samples in the middle of the basin are sufficient) Create a baseline station on the shelf.
Cruise 3: Meridional Section Main goal: capture all the main Atlantic water masses along the meridional flow path following the center of basins starting in the Brazil Basin, Across the Rio Grande rise going into the Argentine Basin entrance of Southern Ocean water masses (AAIW, AABW) into the western Atlantic Basin (connects to Drake cruise) far field effects of dust input, comparison of seawater signal to observations at the margins Create a baseline station in the Argentine basin.
Two possible cruise tracks (approximate!)