Sight Words by Hatice Oncel
to cease / to stop something / Whether the protests will cease remains to be seen.- opposite ceaseless / to stop something / Whether the protests will cease remains to be seen.- opposite ceaseless
condemn / to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons
to flinch / to make a sudden small movement because of pain or fear
abundance -n / when there is more than enough of something / There was an abundance of wine at the wedding. / Abundant- adj / when there is more than enough of something / There was an abundance of wine at the wedding. / Abundant- adj
forthright / (too) honest or direct in behaviour / His forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness / (too) honest or direct in behaviour / His forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness
curfew / to stay home, not allowed to go out
to be knee high to a grasshopper / very young
Lazy as a pig / To be too lazy
to sprout like a weed / to grow very fast