Parent Meeting: 24 th Feb 2010
ASSESSMENT – how we discover what students know and have learned. RECORDING – how we collect and analyse data on student learning. REPORTING – how we communicate information about student learning.
Assessment for learning: Active involvement of students in their own learning Involves sharing learning goals with students Helps students know and recognise their targets Involves students in self-assessment Provides feedback leading to next steps and how to take them Involves both teacher and student reviewing and reflecting on assessment data Black & Wiliam 1998
BRADBURY SCHOOL REPORTING SCHEDULE TermDateReporting Format 1August Parent Information Evening November Parent Teacher Consultations 2March Student Led Conferences 3JuneAnnual School Report Parent Teacher Consultations (Optional)
Student-led conferences involve the student and the parent. The students are responsible for leading the conference, and also take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents. It may involve students demonstrating their understanding through a variety of different learning situations. There may be several conferences taking place simultaneously.
The conference will involve the students discussing and reflecting upon samples of work that they have previously chosen to share with their parents. These samples have been previously selected with guidance and support from the teacher. The student identifies strengths and areas for improvement. It enables parents to gain a clear insight into the kind of work their child is doing and offers an opportunity for them to discuss it with their child.
Student Led Conferences Wednesday 3 rd March 2010: Year 1 & Year 2 Thursday 4 th March 2010: Year 5 & Year 6 Friday 5 th March 2010:Year 3 & Year 4
Itinerary: Classroom conference (20-30 mins) Subject specialist conferences (10 mins x 3)
Teacher’s Role in Student Led Conference Support students through the student led conference process.
Students’ Role in Student Led Conference Students are: responsible for leading the conference (can communicate in Mother tongue) accountable to - recognise evidence of learning - share evidence of learning - recognise targets for future learning
Parents’ Role in Student Led Conferences Supportive asking relevant questions active listening offering help to achieve targets Sharing growth in learning focus on achievements celebrate successes
Student led conferences RCHK GWA