INSET Day 1: 2 nd September 2009 Welcome
Resilience bounce-back ability Sticking with challenges Managing distractions Resourceful Curious /asking questions Capitalises on resources Using the right learning styles /learning tools Responsible Lead your learning Don’t need constant reminders or prodding. Reciprocal Successfully learn with others Take on different roles in group work Reflectiveness Evaluate your learning Identify strengths and weaknesses Adapt, change and revise work ARE YOU READY TO LEARN INDEPENDENTLY? “Citius, Altius, Fortius” THE POWER LEARNING TOOLS
INSET Day 1: 2 nd September 2009 Going for Gold
INSET Day 1: 2 nd September 2009 What’s the point in school? ‘One of the core functions of 21st century education is learning to learn in preparation for a lifetime of change.’ David Miliband, 2003 Professor Guy Claxton – saw schools as for life. Intelligence should not be an numerical IQ but a skills set that is malleable and applicable in everyday life.
INSET Day 1: 2 nd September 2009 Independent Learning is the foundation of life long learning Independent Learning is needed for long term success. Compare the emphasis on Independent Learning in KS1&2 and KS3 John Dewey – “Children don’t do what they learn, they learn what they do.” Independent Learning needs to be habit forming.
Resilience bounce-back ability Sticking with challenges Managing distractions Resourceful Curious /asking questions Capitalises on resources Using the right learning styles /learning tools Responsible Lead your learning Don’t need constant reminders or prodding. Reciprocal Successfully learn with others Take on different roles in group work Reflectiveness Evaluate your learning Identify strengths and weaknesses Adapt, change and revise work ARE YOU READY TO LEARN INDEPENDENTLY? “Citius, Altius, Fortius” THE POWER LEARNING TOOLS
INSET Day 1: 2 nd September 2009 Peer and Self Assessment Reflectiveness Self-evaluative Clear thinking Self aware and honest Methodical (strategic) Encouraging ‘Reflective’ Learners
The journey so far... Conference 2006: Raising the Profile of A4L 1. 1.Marking and Feedback 2. 2.Learning Objectives 3. 3.Questioning 4. 4.Peer and Self Assessment Introduction of work scrutiny and sharing good practice Mini whiteboards for Learning Objectives Rainbow A4L policy Focus on challenge and questioning: High Five marking policy
Peer and Self Assessment Students learn by taking the roles of teachers and examiners
What does the research tell us? Consistency and routinesConsistency and routines More advantageous for less able studentsMore advantageous for less able students Peer assessment is a prior requirement for effective self assessmentPeer assessment is a prior requirement for effective self assessment A long term processA long term process
How does the student benefit?
Some issues with peer and self assessment Poorly designed assessments and criteria, not effective in promoting good learningPoorly designed assessments and criteria, not effective in promoting good learning Student attitudes(trusting the teacher, undervalued)Student attitudes(trusting the teacher, undervalued) Encourages competition rather than personal improvementEncourages competition rather than personal improvement Impact of negative feedback, especially on low achieving studentsImpact of negative feedback, especially on low achieving students Written assessments do not cater for all learning stylesWritten assessments do not cater for all learning styles
Challenge Task 1 Strategies and solutionsStrategies and solutions These will be displayed on the ‘Learning Wall’ in the staffroomThese will be displayed on the ‘Learning Wall’ in the staffroom
What needs to be in place for effective peer and self assessment? “The olden rules” “The olden rules” 1.Clear assessment criteria 2.Building student confidence 3.Successful communication of feedback 4.Providing exemplars, models, marking keys 5.Recording progress
Challenge Task 2 2 stars and a wish Use the Peer and Self Assessment Strategy sheet to strengthen the peer and self assessment opportunities in your lessonsUse the Peer and Self Assessment Strategy sheet to strengthen the peer and self assessment opportunities in your lessons
Going for GOLD! Long term processLong term process ConsistencyConsistency All staff to implementAll staff to implement INSETINSET Outstanding websiteOutstanding websitewebsite
INSET Day 1: 2 nd September 2009