Standards-based education is the learning, assessment, and reporting of student performance based on consistent and equitable measurements. Standards-based education provides the foundation for 21st century learning opportunities that prepare students for today, tomorrow and the future. Provides a fair and objective way to evaluate students based on what they have learned while providing the appropriate level of challenge and rigor. Gives teachers a powerful system for teaching. Helps parents be knowledgeable participants in their students' education.
An approach that compares students’ performances to the standards, rather than comparing them with other students. Teachers conduct informal and formal assessments on an ongoing basis and provide students with feedback. Assessments can include projects, reports, presentations, daily class work, classroom discussions, and pencil and paper tests and quizzes. * With students who show understanding quickly, the teacher may increase the challenge by assigning a task that requires more complex thinking. * If the student does not grasp the concept, the teacher will look for another way to present the skill or concept, and may provide the student with another way to show what they know.
A committee revised the current elementary report card to reflect Standards Based Education. A parent advisory team also met 2 times to gather information and provide feedback. A standards-based report card lists the most important skills students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level. Instead of letter grades, students receive marks that show how well they have mastered the skills or standards. The marks might show whether the student is advanced, proficient, basic or below basic for each reporting standard.
A QUICK INTRODUCTION: SUMMER PARENT SESSIONS: July 9, 2014: Ironton 6:30– 7:30 PM July 22, 2014: Cetronia 6:30– 7:30 PM August 7, 2014: Kernsville 6:30 –7:30 PM August 18, 2014: Jaindl 6:30– 7:30 PM Purpose Statement NEW REPORT CARD: