Preparing for the Spring 2009 English Language Development Assessment ADE Curriculum, Assessment, & Research, December 3, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing for the Spring 2009 English Language Development Assessment ADE Curriculum, Assessment, & Research, December 3, 2008

ELP Testing Requirement English Language Proficiency Assessment Title I, Part A Title I, Part A Section 1111(b)(7) of ESEA Title III, Part A Title III, Part A Sections 3113(b)(3)(D) and 3121(d)(1) of ESEA

Title I, Part A Description: SEAs must provide for an annual assessment of English language proficiency of all LEP students in the State in grades K-12 in the domains of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Title III, Part A Description: An annual assessment of English language proficiency of all LEP students in the State in grades K-12 in the domains of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and comprehension.

Who is tested? All Language Minority students who are LEP as determined by an initial ELP placement test are take the ELDA each spring, including ELLs whose parents have waived their right to ESL services. All Language Minority students who are LEP as determined by an initial ELP placement test are take the ELDA each spring, including ELLs whose parents have waived their right to ESL services.

Your LEP Student Roster Include LEP students receiving ESL services Include LEP students not receiving ESL service Note if students are first year LEP. Note the number of years a student has received ESL services. Note the number of years a student has been enrolled in school in the U.S.

Verify Your Student Roster Check each student’s cumulative folder. Make sure that each and every ELL in your districts is listed on your roster. Remove students from your roster who have met requirements for exiting your ESL program. Account for every student for whom you receive a pre-ID label for ELDA administration.

Contents of Cumulative Folder Documentation for all LEP students –Accommodations form (required under Title I) –Documentation of Reclassification from one year to the next –Documentation of criteria met for exiting ESL services Examples are available on the ADE LEP page:

RESOURCES ADE LEP Curriculum & Assessment Info

ADE CAR Contacts Dr. Andre Guerrero State Director of Programs for ELLs Jim Short ELDA Assessment Specialist Dr. Ellen Treadway CAR Deputy Associate Director