On desk: 1)Warm- Up 2)iPad 3)Golden Goblet 4)pencil On desk: 1)Warm- Up 2)iPad 3)Golden Goblet 4)pencil Homework: English: 1. Chapter 14/15/16 Vocab Keynote (Due Tuesday) 2. Read 30 Minutes & Reading Log Homework: English: 1. Chapter 14/15/16 Vocab Keynote (Due Tuesday) 2. Read 30 Minutes & Reading Log BE READY when the song ends…
Warm-Up March 17th Describe this photo. What is this a picture of? What clues do you have? Use vocabulary from Ancient Egypt.
Set up Vocab Keynote Open EdModo/English/Library Items/English Worksheets Click Vocab Template Marzano Take a Screen Shot Open Keynote/Insert Photo/ Edit Mask Copy Slide and Paste 8 times Title: Golden Goblet Chapter 11/12/13 Vocabulary Open EdModo/English/Library Items/English Worksheets Click Vocab Template Marzano Take a Screen Shot Open Keynote/Insert Photo/ Edit Mask Copy Slide and Paste 8 times Title: Golden Goblet Chapter 11/12/13 Vocabulary
Chapters 14, 15, 16 Vocabulary Eternity: Greed: Insignificant: Boulder: Eternity: Greed: Insignificant: Boulder: Ignorant: Haste: Command: Presence: Ignorant: Haste: Command: Presence:
Ready to Read… Open the Golden Goblet to Page 211 C – Level 0 when reading along, Level 3 if reading out loud. H – Ask partner at Level 1. A – Chapter 14 M – None for now! P – Sit like a student and follow along. S – I can comprehend the events of Chapter 14
Say Something: Make a Comment This reminds me of… This part is like… This character (fill in name) is like (fill in name) because… This is similar to… The differences are… I also notice that… This character makes me think of… This setting reminds me of… This reminds me of… This part is like… This character (fill in name) is like (fill in name) because… This is similar to… The differences are… I also notice that… This character makes me think of… This setting reminds me of…