Are the Best Curricular Designs "BACKWARDS"
STARTING WITH THE END IN MIND Backwards Design Curriculum: INDENTIFIES DESIRED RESULTS What do I want my students to know, understand and be able to do? DETERMINES ACCEPTABLE EVIDENCE What will I accept as evidence of my students’ understanding? How do I know my students have learned what I wanted them to learn? PLANS LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND INSTRUCTION What knowledge and skills will my students need to perform effectively and achieve desired results?
Essential Questions are characterized by what they do: Go to the Heart of the Discipline Recur naturally throughout one ’ s learning and in the history of a field Raise other important questions
Works Cited Page Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. “Are the Best Curricular Designs "Backward"? Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development © 1998 ASCD. articles/backward.html Jay McTighe and Eliot Seif. “Indicators of Teaching for Understanding” Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development © 1998 ASCD. articles/backward.html