Ashley Blakely Anne-Eliese Raya Shanda Carpenter
“We are moving from thinking only about what we want to accomplish as the designer to thinking about who the learners – the end- users of our design – are and what they will need, individually and collectively, to achieve the desired results of Stage 1 and to perform well at the tasks proposed in Stage 2.” (Wiggins & McTighe, 191)
Essential Questions: What do learners need, given the desired results. What is the best use of time spent in and out of the classroom, given the performance goals?
The best designs are Engaging and Effective ENGAGING EFFECTIVE Thought provoking Fascinating Energizing Pulls the students in Meaningful It is NOT dry academic content The learners: Are more competent and productive Perform to high standards Develop greater skill and understanding Develop a greater self reflection
The WHERETO elements in instructional planning W – make sure the students know WHERE the unit headed and why. H – HOOK them in the beginning and HOLD their attention. E – EQUIP them with the experiences, tools, knowledge, and know- how to reach goals R – Provide opportunities for the students to RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and REVISE their work E – Let students EVALUATE progress and self-assess T – Be TAILORED to reflect individual talents, interests, styles, and needs. O – Be ORGANIZED for optimal effectiveness WHERETO is not a way to build lessons and units, but a way to test them.
Reference Page Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2006) Understanding by Design. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Person Merrill Prentice Hall.