Sexual Harassment and University Compliance The 59th WACUHO Annual Conference and Exposition March 29 - April 1, 2015 Rebecca Palmer Associate Director for Residence Life in Housing Services Cal State L.A.
timeline 1964 Civil Rights Act 1972 Title IX Education Amendments 1994 VAWA 2001 OCR Sexual Harassment Guideline 2011 Dear Colleague Letter 2013 VAWA Reauthorization (Includes Campus SaVE Act and new Clery mandates ) 2014 OCR Q/A April 29, 2014
Putting the pieces together
Now what… Cal State L.A. -Started specialized training for MPP staff -Included in new student Orientation -All new incoming first year students spring Red Folder Campaign (staff) -Deputized three Title IX Coordinators (Housing, Athletics, Judicial Affairs)
Now what… Housing Services -Tracking system (for audit compliance) -Started specialized training all student and professional staff- includes outside organization to do training -Included in new student Housing Orientation -Red Folder (staff and students) -Passive education -Bystander intervention training -Sexual misconduct policies updated -Notice of Nondiscrimination distribution -Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Discussion How are we doing on our own campuses? What are high impact practices you are doing on campus? Do you have assessment methods to track your effectiveness? Who are the leaders on your campus? Next steps