How to start, how to clean up July 30, 2013
* Who I am * My experiences with PLCs * Seven years, five at Lakeview as an administrator * A backwards journey, will share today * Credibility?
* Not an expert * Rely heavily on resources, will share today * Answers will vary, depending on your school and situation-- Culture
* Why PLCs? * Improve Student Performance * How? * Two heads are better than one
* National Staff Development Council (A5) * efinitionofProfessionalDevelopment908.pdf efinitionofProfessionalDevelopment908.pdf * Resource: the Professional Learning Association * * Note the change: “Professional Development” to “Professional Learning” * On Common Ground edited by DuFour, Eaker, and DuFour
* We say we want students to be “Life-Long Learners;” are we willing to do that ourselves? * Don’t care if you’re a rookie just out of school; don’t care if you’re retiring this year; * Life is about learning.
* First, Time * “Job Embedded” Learning Communities * It has to happen during contract time. * Yes, there’s a sacrifice in student learning time, but the trade off is professional, collegial discussions.
* You have to sell this point: * To your teachers, * We do not work in the one room school house any more. * To your community, * To your board. * The Art of Focused Conversations by Nelson
* It is a sacrifice of one thing, but on a scale, the benefits have the potential to outweigh the drawbacks. * * For us, early outs about every other week.
* You own the expectations. * District has a right to assign. * For Lakeview, PLCs became nonnegotiable. * “We are doing PLCs. The academic research says they are the way to go.” * You get out of it what you put into it. * Our question: Do you want to explore a little extra compensation for it? Q-comp.
* The professional conversations need to be about the work. * No water cooler talk. * What’s going to be most useful: * In regards to student achievement: * Essential Outcomes (3 rd ) * Formative Assessments (2 nd ) * Instructional Strategies (1 st ) * Summative Assessments (4 th ) * Technology (5 th )
* What to do during this time? * How do you make the time productive? * Learning by Doing by DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, and Many * PLC Leaders (Leading by Design by Erkens and Twadell) * and Norms and…
* Based ours on Annenberg Protocol for Sharing Student Work. * Time allocations for meetings. * Calendar layout for the whole year, not just meeting to meeting. * Roles: rotate facilitation, timekeeping, note taking, sustenance
* PLCs are what we do. * They are nonnegotiable. * Be an active, productive participant, or look for another place of employment. * Train PLC Leaders in addressing behaviors: * How to Deal with Difficult People- * What a PLC is not: * s s
* Check in with your PLCs every time. * Make the rounds. * Be available. * Mix it up; sit in on them. * Be an active, productive participant. * Know the pulse.
* Continuous Meetings * Week before early outs * Book Study * Learning by Doing * Common Formative Assessments by Ainsworth and Viegut * Leading by Design * 21 st Century Skills by Trilling and Fadel
* Instructional Strategies * Best Practice by Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde
* Formative Assessments * Checking for Understanding by Fisher and Frey * Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom by Moss and Brookhart * What Teachers Really Need to Know about Formative Assessment by Greenstein
* Blended * Differentiated Instructional Strategies by Gregory and Chapman * Total Participation Techniques by Himmele and Himmele * Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom by Tomlinson and Imbeau * Professional Development for Differentiating Instruction by Strickland
* Essential Outcomes * Power Standards by Ainsworth * Learning Targets by Moss and Brookhart * Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives by Marzano * Essential Questions by McTighe and Wiggins
* Technology (1 to 1 devices) * Curriculum 21 by Hayes Jacobs * Partnership for 21 st Century Skills *
* Developing Standards Based Report Cards by Guskey and Bailey * Becoming a Reflective Teacher by Marzano
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* Phil Lienemann * K-12 Principal * Lakeview Public Schools * Cottonwood MN *