Presented by the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing Title IID – AP Handheld Grant Evaluation Team Chris Thompson, Associate Director, Principal Investigator Meltem Alemdar, PhD, Research Scientist, Co-Principal Investigator Jeremy Lingle, PhD, Research Scientist Tiffany Davis, Research Associate Jessica Gale, Research Associate Chris Cappelli, Research Associate Andrew Kerr, Evaluation Assistant
CEISMC is providing evaluation for the Title IID Program: Engaging AP Students Through Mobile Handheld Computing. Why Evaluate? To meet the federal government regulations To meet GA DOE requirements To learn what works for others We need your help!
We will pause to take questions throughout this session. However, if you have a question you would like to ask right away, please (virtually) raise your hand, enter your question in the chat window, or just speak up.
Student names or any individual level information will not be collected. All the student surveys will be anonymous. Teacher Consent forms will be obtained. However, we will not collect any individual level information. The survey will be anonymous. Data collected will be used only for the evaluation purpose, and will not be used to make any decisions about career advancement. Individuals will not be identified.
Teacher survey Student survey Program administrator surveys (principles, media specialists, etc.) Phone interviews with program administrators Site visits/classroom observations (conducted with a sample of schools; dates will be coordinated in advance of visit)
By October 14, 2011 we need to have identified one or two teachers from each school to help us administer the web- based student survey, as well as the teacher survey. Andrew Kerr – This volunteer(s) will receive $50 as compensation. Interested parties need to let us know by October 14th. They will also need to sign an adult consent form and provide us with contact information.
A teacher survey will be online and ready to take by Monday, October 17, Teachers will have three weeks to complete the survey (November 7, 2011 is the deadline).
Student surveys will be administered beginning October 17th, 2011 (the same date as the teacher surveys). The volunteer teachers will receive an to administer the survey. However, in order to accommodate testing schedules, these surveys will remain open for six weeks (Student Survey Completion Deadline: December 5, 2011). We have some questions for you now…
In December 2011, we will administer a short survey to administrators.
A sample of schools will be designated for site visits and classroom observations. We will not visit ALL schools. The purpose of the site visit is to speak with you, your principal, and the participating teachers about the program. The average time for a site visit is about three hours. More information about site visits will be ed once we designate the schools. Selected schools will be contacted to schedule a site visit/classroom observation during November Site visits will begin in December 2011.
September 28– Kick-Off Meeting October 14– Teacher assistants for administering of surveys must self-identify October 17– Teacher survey begins October 17– Student survey begins November 7– Teacher survey ends December 5– Student survey ends November – Site visits set-up December – Site visits begin December – School administrator survey conducted
CEISMC Main Contact Person Andrew Kerr – Spring Street NW Suite 102 Atlanta, GA General Office Phone: Fax: