Your Personal Qualities for the World of Work Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources education
Personal ability Your capacity to perform complex tasks Training or natural talents School grades may indicate ability Try a self-appraisal Commercially available aptitude tests “Multiple intelligences” theories
Talent Something you do well Personal talent Performance skills often comes to mind Mental math – number skills Develop talent with effort & study
Ask yourself these questions Am I an effective speaker? Do I write well? Can I word-process efficiently? Do I sketch, draw, or have graphics skills? Do I have musical talent? Am I mechanically inclined? Can I perform physical feats well? Do I work well with others? Do I have a scientific or inquisitive mind?
Determining my Interests What are my favorite classes? How do I spend my spare time? With which school activities & clubs am I involved? With which extra-curricular activities am I involved? Am I interested in working with people or things? Take an occupational interest inventory
Physical make-up Occupational demands on health, strength & stamina Adjust career choices to physical ability Allow for physical limitations
Educational Target Preparation is the Key to success Employers subscribe to your knowledge & skills Occupational competency Education & training
Attitudes & Values Workplace attitudes – look for favorable feature Accept supervision / constructive criticism Values may change over time Self-appraisal
Personality traits Attitude Courtesy Enthusiasm Friendliness Honesty Initiative Loyalty Morality Self-control Sense of Humor
Self-concept How you see yourself Relative to your people & surroundings Occupational satisfaction is important
Willingness to Change Constructive criticism Adjustments to work duties & responsibilities
Previous Experience Successful work experiences Interest in work performed Occupational satisfaction is part of job success!
Developed by Kirk Edney Instructional Materials Service 2008