OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS July 2006 Midrand, South Africa Country and Regional Driveness 1. Regional level 2. Country level BREAKOUT Second Regional Preparation Workshop for the GEF Strategic Investment Program for Sustainable Land Management (SIP) Session 2: Context and Driveness Country and Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS OBJECTIVES of THIS SESSION Provide recommendations to finalize NEPAD’s draft section A3 of Program Brief Agree on elements of ownership of SIP implementation at regional and country levels Objectives of Session: Country and regional driveness Country and Regional Driveness 1. Regional level 2. Country level BREAKOUT
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Specific guidance is needed on the draft country and regional driveness section of the Program Brief – please keep in mind during presentations: 1.At regional level, is the SIP design and approach in line with existing African priorities? 2.At country level, is the SIP design and approach well-positioned to contribute to implementation of existing national and sectoral priorities? 3.What are good means of strengthening ownership as SIP implements at regional and at country level (we will touch on this again during Session 4)? Most relevant documents circulated: Draft CAADP, EAP, and TerrAfrica Linkage Paper SIP Program Brief draft section A3 (Eng and Fr) OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Objectives of Session: Country and Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS This presentation addresses 3 key issues at two levels: Regional level 1.SIP alignment with existing regional priorities 2.SLM linkages with programs implemented by NEPAD and RECs Country Level 3. SIP ability to deliver on national and sectoral priorities OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Country and Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Regional level 1.SIP alignment with existing regional priorities 2. SLM linkages with programs implemented by NEPAD and RECs OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Regional level 1. SIP alignment with existing regional priorities –NEPAD’s CAAPD and EAP –RECs’ Implementation Action Programs and SREAPs –UNCCD process as evidenced in the SRAPs –Recent AMCEN political support for SIP development and implementation –Agriculture ministers’ endorsement of TerrAfrica at Bamako in late 2005 –Rallying around the TerrAfrica platform by SSA organizations and governments since its 2005 launch –FARA’s FAAP (Framework for African Agricultural Productivity) supports CAADP pillar 4 OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Regional level 2. SLM linkages with programs implemented by NEPAD and RECs OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS SLM Objectives NEPAD PROGRAM LINKAGES on SLM NEPAD Environmental Action Program (EAP) objectives NEPAD Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) objectives CAADP: pillars 1 & 4 EAP: Pgrm areas 1 & 6 TerrAfrica: scale up SLM SIP: improve livelihoods by reducing land degradation
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS SIP OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Operational SLM linkages between NEPAD and UNCCD priorities Reduce poverty via improved environment conditions Sustainability and productivity of agriculture increased CAADP COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENT Supports, strengthens, and expands diagnostic and analytical work relating to SLM, helping to identify entry points and define country SLM frameworks, focusing on investments and governance CAADP ROUNDTABLES CAADP stocktaking and analytical process CAADP PROCESS TerrAfrica partners and stakeholders coordinate engagement in CAADP / EAP processes with view to having a single harmonized approach to SLM at the country level CAADP COUNTRY COMPACT UNCCD / NEPAD EAP Programmatic Area 1: Land Degradation, drought and desertification Programmatic Area 6: Transboundary Conservation and Management of Natural Resources SLM scaled up TERRAFRICA COUNTRY SLM PROGRAM IS DEFINED IN LINE WITH CAADP AND EAP SUBREGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PROGRAMS
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Country Level 3. SIP ability to deliver on national and sectoral priorities OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Country and Regional Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS SIP ability to deliver on national and sectoral priorities SIP process at country level Countries will demonstrate the largest share of driveness in developing projects under the SIP umbrella Countries’ engagement in preparation of a CSIF or similar approach Countries’ engagement in project concept note preparation under the SIP umbrella CAADP process at national level Commitment of African leaders to increase public expenditures in the agricultural sector to 10% of total public expenditure within five years to raise agricultural productivity CAADP country compacts EAP process at national level Country commitment in SREAP implementation UNCCD process Commitment to NAP and SRAP implementation Countries’ continued efforts to integrate UNCCD NAP themes and priorities into macro- economic planning and decentralization efforts; OTHER PROCESSES Soil Fertility Action plans Regional and Country Driveness
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Specific guidance is needed on the country and regional driveness section of the Program Brief: 1.At regional level, is the SIP design and approach in line with existing African priorities? 2.At country level, is the SIP design and approach well-positioned to contribute to implementation of existing national and sectoral priorities? 3.What are good means of strengthening ownership as SIP implements at regional and at country level? Most relevant documents circulated: Draft CAADP, EAP, and TerrAfrica Linkage Paper SIP Program Brief draft section A3 (Eng and Fr) OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Breakout session: what is needed
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Guidance for this breakout session on driveness of the SIP Make specific recommendations to finalize write-up of the draft Program Brief section A3 Use worksheet for breakout sessions (last page in materials distributed to you); breakout chairs will give these to workshop rapporteur, who will immediately consolidate Refer to draft documents circulated: 1. SIP Program Brief draft section A3 (Eng and Fr) 2. Draft CAADP, EAP, and TerrAfrica Linkage Paper Breakout session: what is needed
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Chairs for this breakout session Group 1: Francophone Michel Tankoano Group 2: Anglophone Martin Bwayla Group 3: Anglophone Rhoda Tumusiime Breakout session: what is needed
OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Recommendations from STRP on the country and regional driveness: 1.Need to include more detail on what CAADP is, what are its instruments and mechanisms. Thematic linkages are fine 2. Take into consideration Abuja Declaration on the African Green Revolution (June 2006), and its financing mechanism OUR LAND – OUR WEALTH, OUR FUTURE, IN OUR HANDS Breakout session: what is needed