Programme Update 2014 Susan Garland PGdip, BA (Hons), RNT,RN, RM, FHEA 1
Programme Aims Programme Aims 2 To provide a clinically specific development programme to improve recognition and management of the deteriorating patient through exploring roles and responsibilities, and developing underpinning knowledge and skills.
Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Demonstrate understanding of principles and correct technique when monitoring physical observations Recognise and respond to physiological signs of deterioration in patients condition Discuss use of ‘track & trigger’ systems, and the importance of accurate record keeping Explore strategies for effective communication Recognise key emergency equipment 3
Sample Programme Sample Programme
Quiz Group work Class discussion Question and answers Speciality linked Patient scenarios Decision making and role play Class workbook Competency assessment in practice Role Play Recognition of existing skills and experience
Supporting Learning Workbook → Supports participation in class activities → Supports learning activities in practice → Able to link to local competency frameworks → Competency sign off → Action plan for learning Practice based supervisor Blood pressure workshops available for additional coaching and opportunity for practicing skill
Feedback Knowledge Improved Understanding Confidence in practice 7 Updating basic skills and knowing I have confidence in my working knowledge and confidence I will take my knowledge back and use on the ward It was interesting not boring I did not feel sleepy It was interesting not boring I did not feel sleepy