“Linear collider studies: This heading includes the total funding for CTF3, the CLIC study and the CLIC/ILC collaboration as well as the CERN’s participation in the specific detector R&D for a future linear collider. Compared to last year’s MTP, the materials heading is reduced with 10 MCHF, which is implemented as a shortening of the study by around one year, as part of the overall need to limit the cumulative budget deficit.” “Future Circular Collider study: this heading covers all studies for high-energy circular colliders in time for the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics by 2018/2019. It also includes an elaboration of the physics cases, detector concepts for all three types of collider (hadron, lepton and lepton-hadron), as well as the conception of staging and implementation scenarios. Compared to last year’s MTP, the materials heading is adjusted downwards with 1MCHF per year (and 2 MCHF in 2016), as part of the overall need to limit he cumulative budget deficit.” “It should be emphasised that a choice between CLIC and FCC will have to be made at the latest by the time of the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics around in order for the next large-scale facility to embark upon the corresponding project phase. For this reason, as of 2020 the CLIC and FCC activities are merged under a single heading in this MTP.” Resources/planning - MPT
2 From the MTP: In CERN budget planning LC activities reduced by ~20% with respect to last years budget estimates Have implemented these changes in planning for coming year, aiming to reduce most significantly in , still providing the necessary input to the European Strategy Update Keeping in mind: many commitments (~60) related to Xband structure and testing plus the CTF3 programme in the years , easing up somewhat in These commitments are covered by numerous R&D contracts and MoU annexes covering personnel and hardware, exchange/test of equipment being built in the collaboration, and around 80 ph.d students in action. Will review/update this programme/goals during the autumn, specific review in October 13 and LCWS 2015 in Whistler Other interactions with management: The fact that CTF3 is closed down by end 2016, and there is no overall LC planning or activity foreseen at CERN after 2018 is a significant concern for the collaboration. See CALIFES talk later. Resources/planning – consequences
Goals Summary project plan document (physics, machine parameters, cost, power, site, staging, construction schedule, brief summary of main tech. issues, prep. phase ( ) summary (see point2 below), detector studies (document 50-80p) – plus short versions 2.Preparation phase plan document (critical parameters, status and next steps what is needed before project construction start up, strategy, risks and how to address them, inside and outside CERN, in industry (document) 3.Detailed documentation across project: EDMS/WBS based (exists but need update, already used for cost, power), review and improve. Use by 2018 for consistent technical documentation, tender/commercial documents (protected), results, notes/publication for each WP and/or activity. 4.Techno transfer/spin-off paper including training (ph.d and fellows) (can be done earlier) 5. Comprehensive physics and detector documentation (part of which will be summarized in document 1 above). Summary several paper planned in the period covering physics topics, detector studies and R&D.
Programme CLIC Study - Review of objectives for the MTP CERN, October 13 th, 2015 Preliminary agenda (talks are 20’ + 10’ questions) 09:00 – 09:10Introduction and mandate (F. Bordry or M. Vretenar) 09:10 – 09:40Project overview: structure and status, objectives for 2018, long-term (S. Stapnes) 09:40 – 10:10Status and plans of X-band test-stands and structures (W. Wuensch) 10:10 – 10:40Status and plans of klystron developments, including high-efficiency (I. Syratchev) 10:40Coffee break 11:00 – 11:30Status and plans of drive beam components design and test (S. Doebert) 11:30 – 12:00CTF3 programme until 2016 (R. Corsini) 12:00 – 12:30 CLIC performance, ongoing verifications and remaining concerns (D. Schulte) 12:30 – 13:30Lunch break 13:30 – 14:00Status and plans for CLIC advanced technical components (H. Schmickler) 14:00 – 14:30Status and plans of the module development programme (S. Doebert) 14:30 – 15:00Collaboration status and plans (P. Burrows, Oxford U.) 15:00 – 15:15CLIC resource plans until 2018 (S. Stapnes) 15:15Coffee break and question time 15:45 – 18:00Closed session (reviewers only)
5 LC school ~ around 50 students (Whistler) LCWS (also Whistler): Time start preparing the 2016 CLIC workshop January Meetings