Introduction to RHESSI Data Analysis Documentation Data Products Access to Data SSW Analysis Modes RHESSI GUI Combining GUI and Command Line RHESSI Objects Details and Links for these topics
Documentation RHESSI Data and Software Center Web PageRHESSI Data and Software Center Getting Started – Lots of links to basic informationGetting Started Data Access Guide – Overview of data and accessData Access Guide Installation Guide – Install SSW and set up for RHESSIInstallation Guide FAQ – installation of SSW, RHESSI setup, using RHESSI s/w and dataFAQ Software Change History – Reverse chronology of major changesSoftware Change History
Data Products All Stored on RHESSI Data Archive at GSFC and ETH Flare Catalog ASCII and FITS files Numbered by ymmddnn Flares detected automatically Quicklook Plots Summary Count Rate, Quicklook Images, Spectra (soon), Monitor Rates, State of Health Browser tool for each type of plot Huge number of processed images, spectra at HEDC Observing Summary Pre-binned Count Rate Data for fast access Also has monitor rates, ephemeris, pointing, roll, flags Stored in daily FITS files Level-0 All processing starts here Need RHESSI Software to read/interpret Record of the time and energy of every count seen by detectors
HESSI Flare List (generated 14-Oct :22) Total # flares: Time range: 12-Feb :54: Oct :00: flares found that meet the following requirements: Overall Time Limits: 23-Dec :00: to 24-Dec :00: Flare Start time Peak End Dur Peak Total Energy X Pos Y Pos Radial AR Flags s c/s Counts keV asec asec asec Dec :20:48 01:24:06 01:29: ? A0 NS a Dec :32:08 02:36:34 02:44: ? A0 a Dec :37:20 05:37:42 05:41: ? A0 NS a Dec :30:32 07:31:02 07:33: ? A0 P1 a0 a Dec :00:12 15:00:14 15:00: ? A0 P1 a Dec :06:20 22:06:22 22:06: ? A0 NS a Dec :22:12 23:22:38 23:22: ? A0 P1 a Dec :35:40 07:35:58 07:36: ? A1 a1 Notes: Peak Rate: peak counts/second in energy range keV, averaged over active collimators, including background. Total Counts: counts in energy range keV integrated over duration of flare summed over all subcollimators, including background. Energy: the highest energy band in which the flare was observed. Radial Distance: distance from Sun center Flare Flag Codes: a0 - In attenuator state 0 (None) sometime during flare a1 - In attenuator state 1 (Thin) sometime during flare a2 - In attenuator state 2 (Thick) sometime during flare a3 - In attenuator state 3 (Both) sometime during flare An - Attenuator state (0=None, 1=Thin, 2=Thick, 3=Both) at peak of flare DF - Front segment counts were decimated sometime during flare DR - Rear segment counts were decimated sometime during flare ED - Spacecraft eclipse (night) sometime during flare EE - Flare ended in spacecraft eclipse (night) ES - Flare started in spacecraft eclipse (night) FE - Flare ongoing at end of file FR - In Fast Rate Mode FS - Flare ongoing at start of file GD - Data gap during flare GE - Flare ended in data gap GS - Flare started in data gap MR - Spacecraft in high-latitude zone during flare NS - Non-solar event PE - Particle event Pn - Position quality code Qn - Data quality code SD - Spacecraft was in SAA sometime during flare SE - Flare ended when spacecraft was in SAA SS - Flare started when spacecraft was in SAA
Access to Data Define HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE and HSI_DATA_USER in your customized setup file ($SSW/site/setup/setup.hessi_env) RHESSI software looks for data files in this order: 1.HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE 2.HSI_DATA_USER 3.If search_network is enabled, it searches on server at GSFC, SSL, or HEDC HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE points to data directory on your computer, e.g. setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE C:\hessidata on server, e.g. setenv HSI_DATA_ARCHIVE \\\data1\hessidata\\\\data1\hessidata\ HSI_DATA_USER points to data directory on your computer Automatically copied via search_network or Manually copied Example: setenv HSI_DATA_USER C:\hessidata_user RHESSI software should find data automatically
SSW SSW = SolarSoftWare, IDL software library for Solar Physics RHESSI is one of many instruments in SSW RHESSI requires SSW installation, plus specific RHESSI setup steps RHESSI requires IDL Version 5.6 or greater SSW is a dynamic environment, always changing ‘GEN’ directories in SSW have many useful tools Documentation: Each procedure has documentation header XCAT – Web Interface to find and display proceduresXCAT xdoc – IDL interface to find and displays procedures doc_library – IDL interface to show header documentation
Analysis Modes IDL Command Line Requires IDL, SSW, and access to Level-0 FITS files Allows for complete analysis Requires knowledge of IDL and RHESSI software calls Graphical User Interface (GUI) Requires IDL, SSW, and access to Level-0 FITS files Simple to use Limited in capabilities Combination of GUI and Command Line Mix and match, and get the best of both HEDC Requires browser, does NOT require IDL or SSW Many prepared plots to browse through Allows you to initiate batch jobs to retrieve and plot data Runs IDL on the HEDC server to handle batch jobs
RHESSI GUI Type hessi in SSW IDL to start Buttons to generate Observing Summary Plots Images Lightcurves Spectra Synoptic Data, GOES Plots Remembers all plots for quick retrieval / stacking / overlays Interactive manipulation of plots Output options Write script Print plots or write plot files (PNG,PS,JPEG,TIFF) Write Image or Spectrum FITS files Save and Restore Object Show movie
Combining GUI and Command Line (CLI) Share Object Between GUI and CLI Pass an existing object into GUI via hessi,object Extract object from GUI via hessi_data, e.g. hessi_data, image=o Same object in both, not a copy Write a CLI script from GUI Use plotman method from CLI Write image FITS file and restore into GUI or CLI Save and restore objects in GUI and CLI
RHESSI Objects Object – package for holding data and operations RHESSI objects include these data: Control Parameters Info Parameters Data Product All RHESSI objects have some standard operations (methods): GET - get control or info parameters SET - set control parameters GETDATA - get data product PLOT - plot data product PLOTMAN - plot data product in interactive widget Methods are like subroutines, but called with -> (arrow) Instantiate (create) an image object by o = hsi_image() Control parameters are set to defaults. User changes only a few.
RHESSI Objects (cont) RHESSI objects are chains of connected objects Main RHESSI objects: hsi_image hsi_lightcurve hsi_spectrum hsi_obs_summary Below each, is chain of all intermediate data objects necessary to produce an image, lightcurve, spectrum, etc. Each object in chain remembers its state and data Changes in control parameters force reprocessing only when necessary Example: o = hsi_spectrum() o -> set, obs_time_interval = ['12-feb :20', '12-feb :22'] o -> set, sp_time_interval = 4. spectrum = o -> getdata() o -> plotman, sp_data_unit='flux' ; won’t require reprocessing o -> plotman, sp_energy_binning=1; will require some reprocessing
Level-0 Data FilesSimulated Data File (hsi_sim_flare) User Simulation Find and Read Data (hsi_packet) Unpack data into photon-tagged event list (hsi_eventlist) Produce Spectrum by binning data by energy, time, and detector (hsi_spectrogram, hsi_spectrum) Calculate aspect Solution (hsi_aspect) Calculate spectral response matrix (hsi_srm) Spectral Analysis (OSPEX, XSPEC) SPECTRUM CREATION DIAGRAM
EXAMPLES Flare Catalog Utilities: flares = hsi_read_flarelist(); structure with all flare info flare = hsi_getflare( ); structure with info for flare hsi_flarecat, list=list, /structure; widget to select flares Observing SummaryObserving Summary: o = hsi_obs_summary(obs_time_interval='21-apr-2002 ' + ['00:00', '02:00']) o -> plotman, /ylog, plotman_obj=p, /multi o -> plotman, /ylog, plotman_obj=p, /corrected o -> plotman, plotman_obj=p, class='hsi_ephemeris‘ data = o -> getdata() times = o -> getaxis(/ut) flags = o -> changes(); structure with times and states of all flag changes in interval help, flags.attenuator_state, /st