Enlightenment How did the Enlightenment effect Colonial Rule?
Age of Enlightenment “Age of Reason” Scientific, Philosophical, & political revolution New way of thinking Begins in Europe with upper class EducatedLiterate people
Do you think that your can understand the world through scientific reasoning? Why or Why not? Are new ways of thinking a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
A. How/Why does it spread in America? 1. Adventurers- Colonist were the type of people who risked their own lives to move to America Questioned what they believe was wrong Stood up for themselves, go to war if needed
2. Distance from authority Colonist were 3000 miles from Great Britain Felt they could make decisions on their own
3. Grassroots Movement Political movements in the colonies started on the grassroots level Started with common man & then spread Spread by word of mouth- not in books Since they were spread amongst the general will of the people- very powerful
Have you ever or do you feel so strongly about an issue that you would be willing to fight for what you believe? What is it? Why is it worth fighting for? If your answer is no, why do you think the colonist fought?
B.How were the ideas expressed by the Enlightenment put to use in America? 1.John Locke- Writings became the base for the Declaration of Independence Natural Rights of Life, Liberty, & pursuit of happiness Gov. was created to protect these rights If gov. did not do their job, people had right to rebel
Declaration of Independence Video Declaration Video 4:35—Declaration Starts
2. Voltaire- writings became the basis for 1 st Amendment “I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend till death your right to say it” Freedom of Speech Right to say what you believe without being persecuted
3. Baron de Montesquieu- Writings became the framework for much of the constitution Separation of Powers Ex. U.S. – 3 branches Checks and balances Keeps one branch from getting too much power
If you had to choose, what idea do you think was most important to the foundation of America, Freedom of Speech or Separation of Powers? Why?
4. Machiavelli and Hobbes- Writings helped form the basis of Federalism Both endorsed strong gov. Federalism- Power shared between National & State gov.
Great Awakening & Enlightenment Both put the emphasis on the individual, this would become very important as the colonies began to redefine their relationship with Great Britain. Great Britain believed they owned the Colonies and the Colonist worked for the British.
Review Why does the Enlightenment first begin in Europe with the upper class? How does it spread to the colonies? Why do the Colonist embrace the idea of the Enlightenment? Who influenced the creation of our 1 st amendment? Who influenced the creation of checks and balances
How does the Enlightenment influence our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, & Our Bill of Rights?