The beginnings of revolutionary thinking…
Prior to 1700, some steps toward independent ideas were already in place….. Distance Government: 1) Commitment to self-rule 2) Representative assemblies Equality: Quakers, Town meetings
“Revolutionary Thinking” 1.The European Enlightenment 2.The Great Awakening 3.Free Press 4.New England Smugglers 5.More immigrants: diversity
1.Enlightenment A/K/A “The Age of Reason” – scientists – writers How did it spread? What was the effect on Colonial America?
2. The Great Awakening What was is? Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield What is the connection between the Great Awakening and the American Revolution?
3. Free Press Newspapers, pamphlets Peter Zenger Trial
4. Colonial Smugglers Distance/Size Salutary Neglect Bribery Skilled at avoiding British Navy Sympathetic juries if caught
5. Immigration “Melting Pot” How did this concept result in the weakening of the colonists ties to England?