+ Consumer Protection Mrs. Jayne Sept. 12, 2014
+ Lesson Objectives Evaluate why and how the law focuses on the protection of consumers Discuss the trade practices that are prohibited by consumer law
+ Agenda Do Now Matching & Discussion Intro to Mrs. Jayne and the Lesson 1.35 – 1.40 Group Work: Part A 1.40 – 1.52 Group Work: Part B 1.53 – 2.05 Class Discussion & Closure 2.06 – 2.15
+ Do Now Matching
+ Consumer Protection Let’s watch
+ Consumer Rights & Responsibilities Consumer Rights: Be heardRemedyBe informedChoiceSafetyEducationService Consumer Responsibilities Be honest Be reasonable Be active Be informed Be involved
+ Group Work: Part A 12 minutes Counting off by 5s, find your group by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Now, within your group, count off by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Each group will be given a different consumer practice/act Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices 1. Consumer Product Safety Commission 2. Truth in Lending Act 3. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 4. Warranties 5. Consumer Remedies Each group will define and come up with three points about each practice /act to share with their classmates.
+ Example: Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practice Using various deceptive, fraudulent or unethical methods to obtain business.
+ Three Points: Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practice Misrepresentation saying something consumers want to hear whether its right or not using someone to advertise you False Advertising advertising an item as new when its not Tied Selling when a company tries to lure you to use their services, but insist you do all business with them.
+ Group Work: Part B 12 minutes All the 1s from each group will get together, to form another group All the 2s from each group get together, and so on…. Within these new groups, students will explain their trade practice area to their peers and come up with one scenario for one assigned unfair trade practice.
+ Example: Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practice Black Friday ad that says $50 iPads You arrive at the store around 6 pm on Black Friday and go to purchase the iPad. You’re told it was first come, first serve and you missed the sale. Too bad, so sad the sales clerk says. Why is this unfair? I withheld my end of the agreement in showing up at the store before the end of the stated sale. What can the law do to protect consumers? If a store offers a specific price point, but only has x amount in stock or available, a “first come, first serve” has to appear in the ad or ad says “the first 20 people get the discounted price”. How can the situation be remedied? You can purchase the $50 iPad and the store takes a loss. The store offers a different incentive. The store will remove the ad and/or retract it.
+ Recap/Closure Discuss your scenarios… Questions Which of the consumer rights have you used recently? Why, with all of the laws and organizations to protect consumers, do you continue to hear of consumer fraud?
+ Exit Ticket How do the rights and responsibilities of consumers protect both the consumer and the business? Homework: Come up with a possible solution for the FTC on RoboCalls based on what we learned today.