Planets 6th grade Science
terrestrial planets- small, dense, and rocky, like earth. The Inner Planets terrestrial planets- small, dense, and rocky, like earth.
Mercury closest to sun one day on mercury is like 59 earth days. It spins slower on its axis than earth. the spin of an object in space is called a rotation. one year is 88 earth days revolution- the motion of a body as it orbits another
Venus very similar to earth same size, mass, and density the sun rises in the west and sets in the east Venus's rotation is opposite of ours. has the hottest surface temperature of any planet. the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps thermal energy from sunlight…. greenhouse effect.
Earth (if you are confused) This is where we live
Mars most studied planet, besides earth Viking 1, Viking 2, and Pathfinder spacecrafts launched and landed on mars cold planet (13°c - 77° C) there is evidence of water on mars in the past, but now there is only ice. volcanoes- Tharsis and Olympus Mons
Gas planets- don’t have any known solid surfaces The Outer Planets Gas planets- don’t have any known solid surfaces
Jupiter largest planet made of hydrogen and helium Great Red Spot- a long-lasting storm five NASA missions Voyager 1, Voyager 2- sent back images of a faint line around the planet.
Saturn second largest planet rings of rock and ice is made of hydrogen and helium scientist believe Saturn is still forming! all gas giants have rings, but Saturn's are the largest.
Uranus is made of hydrogen, and methane gas. featureless- no strong characteristics tipped on its side. Scientist believe that a large object hit Uranus and it tipped the planet over.
Neptune has belts of clouds has a dark spot like Jupiter
Pluto smallest planet furthest large moon, Charon made of rock and ice only planet that has not been visited by NASA