When we subtract rational numbers we are finding the difference between those two number on a number line. For example we need to look at how far we go from -6 to get to 4. Because we move to the right on the number line the distance is positive!
We can use this strategy: We can Add the opposite of the decimal! -2.3 – (-3.9) = = (+3.9) = = 1.6
Similar steps to adding fractions.Find the lowest common denominator. Change both fractions to equivalent fractions.Add the numerators. X 3 X 2
Strategy – change the Mixed Number to an IMPROPER fraction and follow from there.
Page #4, 5 all, 7bdf, 9f, 10, 11, 13cd, 15abc
Strategy ONE- is to place the number being subtracted on a number line and follow from there Strategy TWO – is to change the Mixed Number to an IMPROPER fraction and follow from there.
It is important to remember that when we are subtracting rational numbers to use equivalent fractions. These are numbers that have the same number of pieces. Think ½ and 1/8 - in order to make them equivalent they both must be out of 8ths is And 1/2 is the same as 4/8 so:
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