2 nd Grade Parent Orientation
Welcome to 2 nd Grade! We’re so glad that you are here to join the adventure!
Meet The Teachers… Mrs. Burns (ELA/Social Studies) Ms. Garvin (Math/Science) Mrs. Hopson (Math Science) Mrs. Hughley (ELA/Social Studies) Mrs. Long (Math/Science) Ms. Lucia (ELA/Social Studies) Mrs. Evans (Self Contained) Ms. Wang (Self Contained)
Goals To help your child develop academically and socially to the best of his/her ability. To give your child the academic tools she/he will need to progress to 3rd grade. To provide a safe and supportive learning environment. To have fun while we learn. To make new friends and discover new interests.
Expectations Students are expected to follow the Marek Code Of Conduct: Manners Attitude Respect Enthusiasm Kindness
Parent Connection To help your student be successful in 2 nd grade you can…. Create a checklist of responsibilities at home to prepare for school (i.e. homework, backpack, school binder/folder, lunch, snack, etc.) Teach students to come to school prepared to learn Discuss with your student the role of natural consequences as a learning opportunity.
Literacy (Reading) Establishing good reading habits Getting to know book series Getting to know book characters Understanding schema Creating mental images Understanding dialogue Using reader’s response journal Learning to read non-fiction books Reader’s Theatre
Literacy (Writing) Establishing writing habits Adding details to writing Reshaping memories into letters Creating setting in writing Literary nonfiction and writing Research and writing Drafting, revising, editing, and publishing Writing poetry
Literacy (Word Study) High frequency word assessment Buddy Study spelling Choose, Write, Build, Mix, Fix Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check Buddy Check Making Connections Spelling Tests
Social Studies My Community My Country Celebrations – Thanksgiving and Winter Holidays Historical Figures Texas Culture Economics – Good and Services
Parent Connection To help your student in literacy, you can… Read with them every night Talk about what you’ve read Ask students to explain their thinking about what they’ve read Write about what they’ve read or their thinking (Summary, Connections, etc) Look for new or interesting words
Math Analyzing picture and bar graphs Place value (numbers ) – composing and decomposing numbers Addition and subtraction – sums to 20, 2 digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping, addition and subtraction of numbers up to 999) Measuring length and area Telling time to minute Money - identifying coins, using cent and dollar sign, making change Fact families Solve 1-step or multi-step word problems using Problem Solving Process (PSP) Geometry (2D and 3D shapes/fractions) Multiplication and Division Fractions (including an introduction to mixed numbers and improper fractions)
PSP: Problem Solving Process Summarize question in 5 to 7 words Identify necessary information. Solve for your answer. Record your answer. Justify your answer. How many baseball cards? 5 cards, 4 cards I will add. 5+4 = 9 Bob has 5 baseball cards. Diana gives me 4 more cards. How many baseball cards does Bob have now?
Parent Connection To help your student in math you can… Make students responsible for completing their own homework. Review student’s math homework with them each night. Ask students to explain their thinking. Encourage students to show their work. Manipulatives can be used if needed (coins, paper clips, beans, etc)
Science Unit 1: Scientific Processes – safety, simple investigations, science tools Unit 2: Matter – Physical properties, changes in physical properties Unit 3: Force and Motion – changes in position over time, patterns, in motion, magnets in everyday life Unit 4: Energy – effects of increasing and decreasing amounts of light, heat, and sound energy Unit 5: Natural Resources – natural vs. man-made, fresh vs. salt water, rocks, conservation Unit 6: Animals – basic needs, physical characteristics, life cycles Unit 7: Plants – basic needs, physical characteristics Unit 8: Environments – interdependence of organisms, factors that affect growth and behavior, food chains.
Homework Reading – Four nights a week Math – Three nights a week Science and Social Studies – as needed
If you have a question, please contact your student’s teacher.